Publications (2009)


Publications (2009)

List of publications for 2009

More publications can be found in the menu to the left.

Staff Name

Dr. Inteaz Alli
Dr. Martin Chenier
Dr. Ashraf Ismail
Dr. Salwa Karboune
Dr. Selim Kermasha
Dr. William Marshall
Dr. Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy
Dr. Benjamin K. Simpson


Alli, I.


- Huaisan, K., Uriyapongson, J., Rayas-Duarte, P., Alli, I., Srijesdurak, V. (2009). Effect of food additives on rheological and textural properties of frozen high amylase rice starch. Int. J. Food Properties. 12: 145-161.

ÌýKhanizadeh, S., Groleau, Y., Tsao, R., Yang, R., Alli, I, Prange, R., Demoy, R. (2009). DivaÌýApple. HortScience. 44: 1478-1480.




Ìý- Tezcucano Molina, A., Alli, I., Boye, J. I. 2009. Effect of dephosphorylation and proteilysis on immunogenicity ofÌý caseins. Milchwissenschaft. 62: 371-375.




Ìý-*Saguer, E. Alvarez, P., Sedman, J., Ramaswamy, H.S., Ismail A. A. (2009). Heat-induced gel formation of plasma proteins: New insights by FTIR 2D correlation spectroscopy. Food Hydrocolloids. 23(3): 874-879.



- Karboune, S., L'hocine, L., Anthoni, J., Geraert, P.-A. and Kermasha, S. (2009) Properties of selected hemicellulases of a multi-enzymatic complex from Penicillium funiculosum. Biosc. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73: 1286-1292.

- Akacha, N.B., Karboune, S., Gargouri, M. and Kermasha, S. (2009) Activation and stabilization of the hydroperoxide lyase enzymatic extract from mint leaves using selected chemical additives. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 160: 901-911.25.

- ÌýKaram, R., Karboune, S., St-Louis, R. and Kermasha, S. (2009). Lipase-catalyzed acidolysis of fish liver oil with dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in organic solvent media. Process Biochem.44: 1193-1199.




- Ma, H.-L., Kermasha, S.; Gao, J.-M.; Borges, R.M. and Yu, X.-Z. (2009). Laccase-catalyzed oxidation of phenolic compounds in organic media. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enz. 57, 89-95.


- Santiago-Gomez, M.P., Thanh, H.T., De Coninck, J., Cachon, R.; Kermasha, S., Belin, J.M., Gervais, P. and Husson, F. (2009). Modeling hexanal production in oxido-reducing conditions by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Process Biochem. 44, 1013-1018.


-ÌýKarboune, S., L'hocine, L., Anthoni, J., Geraert, P.-A. and Kermasha, S. (2009) Properties of selected hemicellulases of a multi-enzymatic complex from Penicillium funiculosum. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 73, 1286-1292.


- Karam, R., Karboune, S., St-Louis, R. and Kermasha, S. (2009). Lipase-catalyzed acidolysis of fish liver oil with dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in organic solvent media. Process Biochem.44, 1193-1199.




-Rivero-Huguet, M., Marshall, W.D.Ìý (2009). Influence of various organic molecules on the reduction of hexavalent chromium mediated by zero-valent iron. Chemosphere, 76(9): 1240-1248.

-Rivero-Huguet, M., Marshall, W.D.Ìý (2009). Reduction of hexavalent chromium mediated by micro- and nano-sized mixed metallic particles. J. Hazard. Mater., 169: 1081–1087.

-Rivero-Huguet, M., Marshall, W.D.Ìý (2009). Reduction of hexavalent chromium mediated by micron- and nano-scale zero-valent metallic particles, J. Environ. Monit., 11: 1072–1079.




-Dwivedi, M., & Ramaswamy, H. S. (2009). Comparison of heat transfer rates during thermal processing under end-over-end and axial modes of rotation. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 43(2): 350-360.

-Taherian, A. R., & Ramaswamy, H. S. (2009). Kinetic Considerations of Texture Softening in Heat Treated Root Vegetables. International Journal of Food Properties, 12(1): 114-128.

-Saguer, E., Alvarez, P., Sedman, J., Ramaswamy, H. S., & Ismail, A. A. (2009). Heat-induced gel formation of plasma proteins: New insights by FTIR 2D correlation spectroscopy. Food Hydrocolloids, 23(3): 874-879.

-Ramaswamy, H. S., Jin, H., & Zhu, S. M. (2009). Effects of fat, casein and lactose on high-pressure destruction of Escherichia coli K12 (ATCC-29055) in milk. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 87(C1): 1-6.

-Ochoa-Martinez, C. I., Ramaswamy, H. S., & Ayala-Aponte, A. A. (2009). Suitability of crank's solutions to fick's second law for water diffusivity calculation and moisture loss prediction in osmotic dehydration of fruits. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32(6): 933-943.

-Mitra, P., Ramaswamy, H. S., & Chang, K. S. (2009). Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed oil extraction using supercritical carbon dioxide and physicochemical properties of the oil. Journal of Food Engineering, 95(1): 208-213.

-Houjaij, N., Dufresne, T., Lachance, N., & Ramaswamy, H. S. (2009). Textural Characterization of Pureed Cakes Prepared for the Therapeutic Treatment of Dysphagic Patients. International Journal of Food Properties, 12(1): 45-54.

-Ahmed, J., Varshney, S. K., Zhang, J. X., & Ramaswamy, H. S. (2009). Effect of high pressure treatment on thermal properties of polylactides. Journal of Food Engineering, 93(3): 308-312.

-Ahmed, J., Varshney, S. K., & Ramaswamy, H. S. (2009). Effect of high pressure treatment on thermal and rheological properties of lentil flour slurry. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 42(9): 1538-1544.

-Ahmed, J., Seyhun, N., Ramaswamy, H. S., & Luciano, G. (2009). Dielectric properties of potato puree in microwave frequency range as influenced by concentration and temperature. International Journal of Food Properties, 12(4): 896-909.

-Zhu, S., Naim, F., Marcotte, M., Ramaswamy, H.S., and Shao, Y. (2008).Ìý High-pressure destruction kinetics of Clostridium sporogenes spores in ground beef at elevated temperatures. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 126 (1-2): 86-92.




-Ìý Kurtovic, I., Marshall, S.N., Zhao, X. & Simpson, B.K. 2010. Purification and properties of digestive lipases from Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and New Zealand hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae). Fish Physiol. Biochem. 2010 Feb 9. [Epub ahead of print]

- ÌýKlomklao, S., Kishimura, H., Benjakul, S. & Simpson, B.K. 2009. Autolysis and biochemical properties of endogenous proteinases in Japanese sandfish (Arctoscopus japonicus). International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 44: 1344-1350.

-Kurtovic, I., Marshall, S.N., Zhao, X. & Simpson, B.K. 2009. Lipases from Mammals and Fishes. Reviews in Fisheries Sciences. 17(1): 18-40.

-ÌýConrado Camacho, Belkis Chico, Roberto Cao, Juan C. Matías, Javier Hernández, Ilaria Palchetti, Benjamin K. Simpson, Marco Mascini, Reynaldo Villalonga. 2009. Novel enzyme biosensor for hydrogen peroxide via supramolecular associations. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 24(7): 2028-2033

-ÌýAlberta N.A. Aryee, Benjamin K. Simpson. 2009. . Journal of Food Engineering. 92(3): 353-358.Ìý

- ÌýAlberta N.A. Aryee, Frederik R. van de Voort, Benjamin K. Simpson. 2009.Ìý . Process Biochemistry. 44(4): 401-405.

-Ìý Klomklao, S., Benjakul, S., Visessanguan, W., Kishimura, H. & Simpson, B.K. 2009. Extraction of carotenoprotein from black tiger shrimp shell with the aid of bluefish trypsin. J. Food Biochem. 33(2): 201-217.




Ìý- Li, D., Garcia-Gonzales, D.L., and van de Voort. F.R. (2009). Automated Acid Number Determination in Lubricants by FTIR Spectroscopy. ASTM International Journal. 6(6): 1-12.

- ÌýGarcia-Gonzalez, Diego L.; van de Voort, Frederik R. (2009). A novel wire mesh "cell" for studying lipid oxidative processes by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy. Ìý63(5): 518-527.

Ìý- Yu, Xiuzhu; Du, Shuangkui; van de Voort, Frederick R.; Yue, Tianli; Li, Zhixi.Ìý (2009). ÌýAutomated and simultaneous determination of free fatty acids and peroxide values in edible oils by FTIR spectroscopy using spectral reconstitution. Analytical Sciences. 25(5): 627-632.

Ìý- Aryee, Alberta N. A.; van de Voort, Frederik R.; Simpson, Benjamin K. (2009). ÌýFTIR determination of free fatty acids in fish oils intended for biodiesel production. Process Biochemistry. 44(4): 401-405.

Ìý- Gao, Lei; Sedman, Jaqueline; Garcia-Gonzalez, Diego L.; Ehsan, Sadia; Sprules, Tara; van de Voort, Frederik R. (2009).Ìý Ìý13C NMR as a primary method for determining saturates, cis- and trans-monounsaturates and polyunsaturates in fats and oils for nutritional labeling purposes.ÌýÌýÌý European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 111(6): 612-622.




Ìý-Marceau, E., Yaylayan, V. A. (2009).Ìý Profiling of α-dicarbonyl compounds in honey from different botanical origins: identification of 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene and related compounds. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57: 10837-10844.


-Chu, F. L., Yaylayan, V. A. (2009). Isotope Labeling Studies on the Origin of 3,4-hexanedione and 1,2-Butanedione in an Alanine/Glucose Model System. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57: 9740-9746.


-*Yaylayan, V. A. (2009). Acrylamide formation and its impact on the mechanism of the early Maillard reaction. J. Food Nutr. Res. 48: 1-7.


-*Chu, F. L. and Yaylayan V. A. (2009). FTIR monitoring of oxazolidin-5-one formation and decomposition in glycolaldehyde/phenylalanine model system by isotope labeling techniques.Ìý Carb. Res. 344: 229-236.

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