DIAÂBETIC NEUÂROPATHIES: A famÂily of nerve disÂorÂders caused by diaÂbetes. PeoÂple with diaÂbetes can, over time, have damÂage to nerves throughÂout the body. NeuÂropathies lead to numbÂness and someÂtimes pain and weakÂness in the hands, arms, feet, and legs.Problems may also occur in every organ sysÂtem, includÂing the digesÂtive tract, heart, and sex organs. PeoÂple with diaÂbetes can develop nerve probÂlems at any time, but he longer a perÂson has diaÂbetes, the greater the risk.
Source: National DiaÂbetes InforÂmaÂtion ClearÂingÂhouse
GovÂernÂment of Alberta. 2019. Canada. -
National InstiÂtute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. 2018. USA. -
AmerÂiÂcan DiaÂbetes AssoÂciÂaÂtion. n.d. USA. -
AmerÂiÂcan DiaÂbetes AssoÂciÂaÂtion. n.d. USA. -
National InstiÂtute of Health. 2018. USA. -
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. n.d. USA.Â