
McGill Robotics

Mars Rover Project

McGill Robotics is an engineering design team that builds robots for international competitions as well as organizes RoboHacks annually. The team’s goal is to foster an interest in robotics through competition, cultivate a relationship with the surrounding Montreal community, and much closer to home, to create a core community at McGill via the “Team Before Machine” philosophy.

We prioritize team bonding and growth along with engineering accomplishment, with the belief that it takes a solid team to build a winning robot. This year, the team is composed of 150 students and is developing for 3 main technical projects. On top of our Mars Rover Project, which is working on a tele-operated rover for competition in both the University Rover Challenge and the European Rover Challenge, the team’s Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Project will be undergoing a massive re-design for the RoboSub competition in California and we are hoping that it will be used in sustainability research applications.

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Project

Additionally, the team’s newest project, Drone, is developing an autonomous quadcopter for the SUAS competition in Maryland. Finally, our Business project manages substantial organizational effort. On top of day-to-day operations, Business takes care of critical strategizing for maximizing the organization’s success, value, brand impact, and morale.

This year, the team has decided to commit to the active support of the UN's sustainability goals by the intentional redesign of our drone and AUV.

Drone Project

robotics.team [at] mcgilleus.ca (To send e-mail)

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