

Katrin Tinn

Prof. Katrin Tinn

Associate Professor and Director, E&I

Prof. Niels Billou

Sr. Faculty Lecturer and Associate Director E&I

Nabil Anouti

Research Assistant

Chloé Stalle

Research Assistant

E&I Initiative Committee


Aviva Aronovitch
Aviva Aronovitch
Faculty Lecturer, Strategy & Organization

Daphne Demetry
Daphne Demetry
Assistant Professor, Strategy & Organization

Marie Josee Lamothe
MJ Lamothe
Professor of Practice, Desautels Faculty of Management & Bensadoun School of Retail Management; Academic Director, McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship

Taha Havakhor
Taha Havakhor
Associate Professor, Information Systems

Yolande E. Chan

Yolande Chan

Dean and James McGill Professor
McGill Desautels Faculty of Management

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