
Taha Havakhor

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Desautels Faculty Scholar
Taha Havakhor
Contact Information
Email address: 
taha.havakhor [at] mcgill.ca
Alternate email address: 
lijuan.xue2 [at] mcgill.ca

570 Bronfman Building []
1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
Canada  H3A 1G5

  • Ph.D. Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR; Concentration: Information Systems (2016)
  • M.Sc. College of Business, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran; Major: Information Management Technology (2010)
  • B.Sc. Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran; Major: Industrial Engineering. Minor: Systems Planning and Analysis (2008)
Information Systems
Teaching areas: 

Text and Social Media Analytics

Data Programming

Principles of Managerial Task Automation


Prior to joining Desautels Faculty of management, Taha Havakhor was the Research Director of the Institute for Business and Information Technology (IBIT) and Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems in the Fox School of Business at Temple University. His research focuses on how advanced technologies and AI influence organizational strategies and create value both in established and entrepreneurial firms. His scholarly work has been published, or forthcoming, in outlets such as Mangement Science, MIS Quarterly , Information Systems Research , Harvard Business Review , Journal of Marketing , Information Systems Journal and the Journal of Management Information Systems .

Tenured & Tenure Track
Research areas: 
Business Analytics & IT
Business Value of IT
Impact of AI & Analytics on Work
Labour Issues in IT
Selected publications: 
  1. T. Havakhor, Rahman, M., Zhang, TJ., Zhu C. “Not Knowing What to Do with or without Machine Intelligence: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Involving Retail Investors” (Accepted) Management Science. [BSIDT]
  2. T. Havakhor, Golmohammadi, A., R. Sabherwal., D. Gauri, “Do Early Words from New Ventures Predict Fundraising? A Comparative View of Social Media Narratives,” (2023) MIS Quarterly, 47(2): 611-638. [SM]
  3. T. Havakhor, S. Sabherwal, R. Sabherwal, and Z.R. Steelman. “Evaluating Information Technology Investments: Does Following Executives’ Trades Help?” (2022) MIS Quarterly, 46(2): 1165-1193. [BSIDT]
  4. Duke, J., Havakhor, T., Mui, R., and Parker, O. “How Starting Strategy and Network Structure Shape Problemistic Search: An Examination of Venture Capital Firms” (2021) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (listed in FT 50). 46(5): 1344-1373. [DE]
  5. A. Golmohammadi, T. Havakhor, D. Gauri, J. Comprix. “Why You Shouldn't Engage with Customer Complaints on Twitter” (2021) Harvard Business Review, Online Edition (HBR.org). [BSIDT- SM]
  6. A. Golmohammadi, T. Havakhor, D. Gauri, J. Comprix. “Complaint Publicization in Social Media” (2021) Journal of Marketing. 85(6): 1-23. [BSIDT- SM]
  7. T. Havakhor, R. Sabherwal, Z.R. Steelman, S. Sabherwal. “Relationships Between Information Technology and Other Investments: A Contingent Interaction Model,” (2019) Information Systems Research, 30(1): 204-218. [BSIDT]
  8. Z.R. Steelman, T. Havakhor, R. Sabherwal, S. Sabherwal. “Performance Consequences of Information Technology Investments: Implications of Emphasizing New or Current Information Technologies,” (2019) Information Systems Research, 30(1): 291-305. [BSIDT]
  9. R. Sabherwal, S. Sabherwal, T. Havakhor, Z.R. Steelman. “How Does Strategic Alignment Affect Firm Performance? The Roles of Information Technology Investment and Environmental Uncertainty,” (2019) MIS Quarterly, 43(2): 453-474. [BSIDT]
  10. T. Havakhor, R. Sabherwal. “Team Processes in Virtual Knowledge Teams: The Effects of Reputation Signals and Network Density,” (2018) Journal of MIS, 35(1): 266-318. [SM]
  11. T. Havakhor, A. A. Soror, R. Sabherwal. “Diffusion of Knowledge in Social Media Networks: Effects of Reputation Mechanisms and Distribution of Knowledge Roles,” (2018) Information Systems Journal (in AIS Senior Scholars’ Basket of Journals), 28(1): 104-141. [SM]

    *Business and Social Impacts of Digital Technologies (BSIDT) Social Media (SM) Digital Entrepreneurship (DE)
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