What We Do

At MORSL we provide a wide range of programs, resources, and opportunities for students to explore religious and spiritual life. Visit the links below to learn more about MORSL offerings surrounding religious literacy, spirituality and personal growth, interfaith connections, and support.

Interfaith Connections

MORSL tabling display with multi faith flags

MORSL helps connect students to their faith communities on and around campus, as well as offering opportunities for students to connect with students from other religious, spiritual, or secular backgrounds to foster interfaith connections.

Religious Literacy

Spirituality and Wellness library at the MORSL lounge

MORSL provides informal and experiential learning opportunities for all students to enrich and expand their religious literacy, ranging from in-person events to our very own reference library.

Personal Spiritual Growth

MORSL meditation and prayer room

Carve out some time for your mental and spiritual wellness by taking advantage of our space and events to maintain a healthy balance.

Support and Spiritual Care

MORSL Director Carlene Gardner meeting one-on-one with a student

Seeking spiritual guidance or support? Connect with members of our Multifaith Team, MORSL staff (including Jewish and Muslim student affairs liaisons), or Peer Faith Volunteers.

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