Together for Better Health
In 2023, McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences launched the strategic planning exercise Together for Better Health to build on the excellent work undertaken under the preceding plan, Project Renaissance. The updated plan will build on strengths, considering the current context and the future, to best position us to continue leading the discovery, innovation and care needed to improve health for Quebecers and around the world.
In early to mid-2024, preliminary consultations with Faculty leadership and members were held during meetings of the Dean’s Executive Committee, the Faculty Leadership Commons, the Faculty Council and other stakeholder groups. The discussions confirmed four mission-based priorities. A revised mission statement and renewed values have also taken shape. More conversations continued in fall 2024 to inform plan details and required supports. In November-December, a survey was also circulated Faculty-wide, including to students and trainees.
We thank the hundreds of Faculty members who provided feedback and shared their reflections over the last many months, which is now reflected in these Strategic Planning web pages.
The Faculty is now in the goal-setting and action-planning phase of the process, with final plan launch set for spring 2025. The updated Strategic Plan, together with the revised vision, mission, values and priorities, will be our guide for all decisions related to new directions and resources, as we continue our work together for better health.