

Austin, Paul. M.Ìę

Rev ofÌęWaiting for Pushkin: Russian Fiction in the Reign of Alexander I (1801-1925)Ìęby Alessandra Tosi. Slavic Review 66:2 (2007) : 361-62.

Bolongaro, Eugenio

"Leo's Passion: Suffering and the Homosexual Body in Pier Vittorio Tondelli's Camere separate." Italian Studies 62.1 (2007): 95-111.

"A Scandalous Intimacy: Author and Reader in Pier Vittorio Tondelli's Camere separate." Italica 84.4 (2007): 815-30.

“Appunti per una rilettura dei cannibali: avanguardia, pubblico, ed etica nel ‘Bagnoschiuma’ di Aldo Nove.” Moderna 9.2 (2007): 177-96.

Cowan, Michael

“The Heart Machine: 'Rhythm' and Body in Weimar Film and Fritz Lang'sÌęMetropolis.” Modernism/modernityÌę14.2 (2007) : 225-248.

Die TĂŒcke des Körpers’: Taming the Nervous Body in Alfred Döblin’sÌęDie Ermordung einer Butterblume and Die TĂ€nzerin und der Leib.” Seminar. A Journal of Germanic Studies.ÌęSpecial issue: “Image, Body, Text.” Ed Tim Mehigan. 43:4 (November 2007): 282-298

Daly, Peter. M.

With G. Richard Dimler, S.J., “Corpus Librorum Emblematum.” The Jesuit Series, 5, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

“Digitizing Dutch Love Emblems.”ÌęLearned Love. Proceedings of the Emblem Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the Internet,ÌęNovember 2006. Eds Else Stronks and Peter Boot. The Hague: DANS, 2007. 183-200.

With G. Richard Dimler S.J., "The Conversion of Ignatius's Favourite Prayer into Emblem Form by Jozef Andrzej Zaluski.ÌęStudies in the Jesuit Emblem.ÌęNew York: AMS Press, 2007. 412-420.

Holmes, Amanda

City Fictions: Language, Body, and Spanish American Urban Space. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2007. 212.

“Transformations of the Magical Real: Ransmayr and García Márquez.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 29.4 (2002) : 537-51. [Published in 2007]

Jouve-Martín, José

"Un salvaje en MilĂĄn: mĂșsica, literatura e historia en Il guarany de Antonio Carlos Gomes”. Deseo, poder y polĂ­tica en la cultura hispĂĄnica. Ed Ricardo de la Fuente. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2007. 59-71.

“Recuerdos de un tiempo viejo: JosĂ© Zorrilla y el teatro de la memoria en Don Juan en Chapultepec de Vicente Leñero.” Hecho teatral 7 (2007) : 39-62.

“Public Ceremonies and Mulatto Identity in Viceregal Lima: A Colonial Reenactment of the Fall of Troy (1631).” Colonial Latin American Review16.2 (2007) : 179-201.

Parts, Lyudmila

“Vyacheslav P’etsukh.”ÌęEncyclopedia of Contemporary Russian Culture.ÌęEds Karen Evans-Romaine, Helena Goscilo, and Tatiana Smorodinskaya. Rutledge Press, 2007.

PĂ©rez-MagallĂłn, JesĂșs

“Enseñar el siglo dieciocho español: contexto, problemas, instrumentos.” Dieciocho 30.1 (2007): 131-39.

Teatro completo, by NicolĂĄs FernĂĄndez de MoratĂ­n. Edition, Introduction and Notes by JesĂșs PĂ©rez-MagallĂłn. Letras HispĂĄnicas 606. Madrid: CĂĄtedra, 2007. 614.

Peters, Paul

“Der europaische BĂŒrgerkrieg: Heines Lutezia als Prophetie:”ÌęZu Heinrich Heines Spatwerk 'Lutezia': Kunstcharakter und europaischer Kontext.ÌęEds Arnold Pistiak and Julia Rintz. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2007. 351-365.

“DoppelgĂ€nger. Schubert und Schumann in Winterreise und Dichterliebe.”ÌęUbergange. Zwischen Kunsten und Kulturen.ÌęEds Henriette Herwig et al. Stuttgart/Weimar : JB Metzler, 2007. 305-320.

“Die Frau auf dem Felsen” (partial reprint)ÌęHeinrich Heine 10 Gedichte ErlĂ€uterungen und Dokumente.ÌęEd Sven Habuschek . Stuttgart : Reclam, 2007. 61-65.

Rev ofÌęMythen – Brecht und KafkaÌęby Frank Wagner in Brecht Jahrbuch/ Brecht Yearbook (2007).

Piper, Andrew

“Korpus. Brentano, das Buch und die Mobilisierung eines literarischen und politischen Körpers.”ÌęTextbewegungen1800/1900. Eds Matthias Buschmeier and Till Dembeck. WĂŒrzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2007. 266-286.

Schmidt, Josef

Rev ofÌęLes Allemands du QuĂ©bec. Parcours et discours d’une communautĂ© mĂ©connue by Manuel Meune. Seminar,XXXXIV ( 2007): 368.

Rev ofÌęThe RobberÌęby Robert Walser. Trans and intro by Susan Bernofsky.ÌęThe International Fiction ReviewÌę34 (2007): 166.

Rev of ,“ Eds Joachim Dyck, Walter Jens and Gert Ueding.ÌęRhetorik, Bd. 18. Links & Resources – Book Reviews, September 2007.

Rev ofÌę. An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third ReichÌęby Robert Michael and Karin Doerr. Rhetorik, Bd. 18. Links & Resources – Book Reviews, September 2007.

Rev ofÌę,ÌęBde. 3 & 7.ÌęRhetorik, Bd. 18. Links & Resources – Book Reviews, July 2007.

Sibbald, Kathleen

“Un triĂĄngulo de autobiografĂ­as transatlĂĄnticas: Rafael Alberti, (Norah Lange) y MarĂ­a Elena Walsh.” La cultura hispĂĄnica en sus cruces trans-atlĂĄnticos. Ed. R. de la Fuente Ballesteros & J. PĂ©rez-MagallĂłn. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2006. 261-71. [Published 2007]

“Memoria popular y ‘autobioficciĂłn’ en Novios de antaño de MarĂ­a Elena Walsh." Con- Textos. Revista de SemiĂłtica Literaria (MedellĂ­n) 18.36 (2006): 29-40. [Published 2007]

"Spanish Studies: Literature 1898-1936" The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 67 (2007): 245-63.

Rev of Littoral of the Letter: Saer's Art of Narration by Riera, Gabriel. Choice 44.9 (2007): 1539.

Rev of Verses Against the Darkness: Pablo Neruda's Poetry and Politics by Dawes, Greg. Choice 44.10 (2007): 1760.

Rev of Chile in Transition: The Poetics and Politics of Memory by Lazzara, Michael J. Choice 44.10 (2007): 1760.

Rev of Staging Words, Performing Worlds: Intertextuality and Nation in Contemporary Latin American Theater by Gail A Bulman. Choice 45.1 (2007): 102.

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