
Selected Publications



Cruess RL, Cruess SR, Steinert Y. Academic Medicine. 2018;93(2):185-191.

Cruess RL, Cruess SR, Hafferty FW. Academic Medicine. 2017;92(12):1650.

Cruess SR, Cruess RL. Mercer Law Review. 2017;68:665-686.

Cruess SR, Cruess RL, Steinert Y. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2016;7(2):142-143.

Cruess SR, Cruess RL. Invited commentary. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2016;8(2):265-267.


Cruess SR, Cruess RL. Introduction. In Cruess, R.L., Cruess S.R. & Steinert, Y. Teaching medical professionalism in support of professional identity formation. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge Univ Press. 2016. 1-3.

Cruess SR, Cruess RL. Transforming a medical curriculum to support professional identity formation. In “Medical professionalism: best practices in education: professionalism in the modern era”. Menlo Park CA. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society. 2017.15-33.

Cruess SR, Cruess RL. Forward to “Healthcare professionalism: improving practice through reflections on workplace dilemmas”. eds. Monrouxe L. Rees C. Oxford UK. Oxford University Press. 2017. xi-xii.

Cruess RL, Cruess SR. Forward to Wilson F.C. Science, Literacy, and Humanity: The Making of a Physician. Chapel Hill NC. Chapel Hill Press. 2016.

Cruess SR, Cruess RL. General principles for establishing programs to supportprofessionalism and professional identity formation at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In Cruess, R.L., Cruess S.R. & Steinert, Y. Teaching medical professionalism in support of professional identity formation. Cambridge, UK. Cambridge Univ Press. 2016. 113-124.

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