

"Positive and Negative Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Leverage, and Idiosyncratic Risk," Journal of Business Ethics

Authors: Mishra, Saurabh; Modi, Sachin B.

Publication: Journal of Business Ethics, October 2013


Published: 24 Jan 2014

"Firm and Ownership Structures and Internationalization: Two Case Studies of Firms in the New Zealand Seafood Industry," The Process Of Internationalization In Emerging Smes And Emerging Economies

Authors: Brydon, Kelley; Dana, Léo Paul; Etemad, Hamid

Publication: The Process Of Internationalization In Emerging Smes And Emerging Economies, 2013 (pages 260-280)


Published: 10 Jan 2014

"Beyond the "i" in the Obesity Epidemic: A Review of Social Relational and Network Interventions on Obesity," Journal of Obesity

Authors: Leroux, Janette S.; Moore, Spencer D.; Dubé, Laurette

Publication: Journal of Obesity, 2013


Published: 27 Sep 2013

Why do anti-hunger and anti-obesity initiatives always fall short?

To view the article, please click here.

Published: 24 Sep 2013

"The Use of Benevolent Leadership Development to Advance Principles of Responsible Management Education," Journal of Management Development

Authors: Karakas, Fahri; Sarigöllü, Emine; Manisaligil, Alperen

Publication: Journal of Management Development, 2013


Published: 12 Sep 2013

"The Discount Is Unfair: Egocentric Fairness in Risky Discounts," Journal of Economic Psychology

Authors: Choi, Sung Chul; Park, Sang June; Qiu, Chun; Stanyer, Mike

Publication: Journal of Economic Psychology, December 2013


Published: 15 Aug 2013

"Service innovativeness and firm value," Journal of Marketing Research

Authors: Dotzel, Thomas; Shankar, Venkatesh; Berry, Leonard L.

Publication: Journal of Marketing Research, April 2013


Published: 10 May 2013

"The Role of Leadership in Creating Virtuous and Compassionate Organizations: Narratives of Benevolent Leadership in an Anatolian Tiger," Journal of Business Ethics

Authors: Karakas, Fahri; Sarigöllü, Emine

Publication: Journal of Business Ethics, 2013


Published: 18 Apr 2013

Oprah Gives a Shout Out to David's Tea

Imagine, if you can, America’s most influential celebrity telling the world that she loves you and she loves your product.And all of this, at the low price of next-to-nothing.... All in all, David’s Tea “hit the jackpot,” marketing expert Demetrios Vakratsas concluded Friday.

Published: 15 Apr 2013

“Feedback dynamic between emotional reinforcement and healthy eating: An application of the reciprocal Markov model,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Authors: Ip, Edward; Zhang, Qiang; Lu, Ji; Mabry, Patricia L.; Dubé, Laurette

Publication: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2013


Published: 20 Mar 2013

Neurobehavioural correlates of body mass index and eating behaviours in adults: A systematic review

Authors: Vainik, Uku; Dagher, Alain A.; Dubé, Laurette; Fellows, Lesley K.


Published: 1 Mar 2013

"Building an Innovation Base: Exploring the Role of Acquisition Behavior," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Authors: Mishra, S.; Slotegraaf, Rebecca J.


Published: 21 Feb 2013

Professor Laurette Dubé receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

Professor Laurette Dubé has been awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in February 2013 for her dedication to her peers, her community, and to Canada. This commemorative medal was created to mark the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country.

Published: 12 Feb 2013

A peek inside the marketing process

MONTREAL - The ad agency brief was clear: Get more people shopping at a Montreal bicycle store. The creative talent came cheap: 30 marketing students working free-of-charge for two weeks. And after an evening of pitches to a panel of judges and the selection of winners, the end game now approaches: A $10,000 publicity campaign to be launched in April.

Published: 5 Feb 2013

Dubé to World Health Summit: More collaboration needed to tackle non-communicable diseases

Addressing the World Health Summit in Berlin in October, Professor Laurette Dubé warned that the current dominant approach to combating an exploding global epidemic of diabetes and heart disease is too narrowly focused to succeed.

Published: 27 Nov 2012


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