
Self-reporting for high schools in the U.S.A.

Students applying on the basis of a U.S. high school diploma from a school located in the U.S.A. will be required to self-report their grades using the designated web form accessible through Minerva. Do not send, or have your school or any digital certification service (e.g. Parchment) send, paper or electronic transcripts at this time.

Note: The Self-reporting form opens in mid- November, please check back after November 15

Have questions? Check out the FAQs on self-reporting.

You must self-report your grades unless:

  • You are completing a U.S. high school diploma outside the U.S.A. (in this case, you must upload your academic documents).
  • You completed high school more than 5 years ago.
Important things to remember
  • You are required to report all academic courses, including repeated and failed courses.
  • If you have completed high school courses outside of the U.S.A., or if you are completing a post-grad year or taking additional courses after graduation, you may be required to upload a transcript in addition to self-reporting the grades you have obtained at your school.
  • It is recommended that you check the status of your application on Minerva regularly, even after self-reporting your grades, as you may be asked to provide additional documentation.
  • If you are admitted, your self-reported grades will eventually be verified against official, final grades received from your school.
  • The deadline to self-report your grades is March 1, 2024, however you are encouraged to submit your grades as soon as you have them available.


  • Use the web form in the Minerva Applicant Menu.
  • Report your final results for all 9th, 10th and 11thgrade courses, as well as results for your current and future 12th grade courses.
  • All 9th, 10th and 11th grade courses must have final grades. You cannot enter a grade of IP (in-progress) for these courses.
  • You must enter at least five 11th grade courses with final grades.
  • You must enter at least three 12th grade courses with first term results (grades that are NOT IP).

How to self-report your grades

You must have on hand:

  • A copy of your most recent transcript and/or grade report
  • Your McGill ID number and Minerva PIN

To access the self-reporting form:

  1. Log into
  2. Navigate to the Applicant Menu
  3. Choose U.S. High Self-Reported GradesSubmission

1. Answer all the questions in the first section of the self-reporting form:

A. Have you studied outside of the U.S.A. in the last four years?

  • If not, select No.
  • If you have studied outside of the U.S.A. in the last four years (including the School Year Abroad program or an exchange), select Yes and specify where these studies were taken.
    • If you attended the School Year Abroad program outside the U.S.A. as part of your high school curriculum, self-report your grades for the year in which they were taken.
    • If you attended an exchange year and studied in the host country’s educational system, self-report the grades for courses you followed in the U.S.A. and skip the year of courses taken during the exchange. If the exchange was undertaken in your junior year, you will not be able to self-report, please contact Service Point and your checklist will be updated so that you can upload your transcripts.

B. Have you already graduated from a U.S. high school?

  • If you have already graduated from a U.S. high school, select Yes. Indicate whether you have continued to study (at any level) since graduation.

C. What is your class size?

  • If your class size appears on your transcript, enter it exactly as it appears. If it does not appear on your transcript, leave this field blank.

E. What is your class rank?

  • If your class rank appears on your transcript, enter it exactly as it appears. If it does not appear on your transcript, leave this field blank. If your class rank is reported as a percentile, enter the class size as 100 and the percentile as your rank.

2. Enter each course exactly as it appears on your most recent transcript and/or grade report:

A. Select your State.

B. Select your School.

C. Select the Year by grade level (e.g. 9th Grade, 10th Grade, etc.).

  • If you took a course in the summer, enter it for the grade level indicated on your transcript.

D. Select the Subject area of the course.

  • If your course does not fall into one of these areas, select Other Subject Areas. Do not enter Physical or Health Education courses or courses completed in 8th Grade on this form.

E. Select the specific Course as indicated on your transcript.

  • If the course does not appear, select the one closest in name. You will be able to adjust this in the next field.

H. Enter the Course Title exactly as it appears on your transcript.

I. Select the Level of your course.

  • For regular courses, select Standard.
  • Otherwise, select the specific level (Honors/Advanced, AICE, AP, Dual Enrolment or IB) of the course.
  • If your course is listed as AP and Dual Enrolment, enter it as AP.

J. Indicate the Course Length.

'Final Grade' is to be used to:

  • Report one final grade for any completed course in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade. If your year-long course (e.g. Physics) was split in two semesters with a different title in each semester (e.g. Physics A and Physics B), add each semester as a separate Final Grade' course. Under the Semester/Term field, also select Final Grade'. Enter a grade for each course. You will be able to adjust the credit weight for each entry later. Note: if your courses are split into two semesters, each with their own grade, do not use this option if the course title is the same.
  • Report one final grade for any completed course in 12th grade if you have already graduated.

If your 12th grade course is only one semester long, please select either Fall or Winter only when indicating the length of your course.

K. Select the Semester/Term when the course was taken.

L. Verify that the Credits/Units match with what is displayed on your transcript

  • If the pre-populated information is incorrect, you can manually adjust it in this field. Ensure the credit weight is evenly distributed between all terms of the same course.
  • Enter the credit or units associated with each course as they appear on your transcript, making sure that the total credits are distributed evenly over each term. If no credit value is reported on your transcript, leave the credit value exactly as it appears on the form and save the course with the default credit values. Do not enter zero.

M. From the picklist, select the Grade (either letter or numeric) you obtained.

  • If your 12th grade course is scheduled for a later term, enter IP.
  • For courses that have been assessed as P or CR/NC (or similar), enter that on the form, exactly as it appears on your transcript.
  • You may refer to the “Other grades” reference chart below.
  • Do not average your grades.
  • If your final grades are reported as two semester grades, enter them as they appear on your transcript.
  • Do not convert your grades into another format.
  • Do not apply any weight to your grades. If your school adds weight to the final grade itself (not in the calculation of GPA), you may need to upload a copy of your transcript instead of self-reporting. Please contact Service Point if this is the case.
3. Verify that the information you have entered is accurate.

A. If it is accurate, select Save.

B. If you made an error, click on Edit to edit the entry or Delete to re-enter the entire course.

C. Do not use the Reset function. This function is only used when you want to make a change while adding a course (and before you save it). If this happens, you can click Reset to redo that course entry.

4. Submit your completed self-reported grades form.

A. You will only be able to Submit the form once you have entered all your high school results, including those for your current 12th grade courses.

B. You will be asked if you have reported all your grades.

C. If you have not, select No and return to the form.

D. If you have, select Yes.

E. Once you have selected Yes after clicking Submit, you will be asked to Agree that the University reserves the right to verify your self-reported information with your school.

F. An offer of admission granted on the basis of self-reported results may be revoked at the discretion of the University should significant discrepancies be discovered.

5. Correct grade information after the form has been submitted:

After the form has been successfully submitted, you will not be able to make changes to any of the reported results on Minerva. Do not click Submit until you have completed the form and verified your entries.

  • If you require a correction of a submitted result, complete and submit the Service Point online request form.
  • You will only be able to report additional results for 12th grade (e.g. mid-year results) if they are required. If this is the case, you will see this request on your Minerva checklist.
6. How to provide updated 12th Grade results:

Your application will be reviewed. If mid-year/first semester results are then requested on your checklist:

  • Log back into the Self-reporting form and add mid-year/second quarter results for 12th grade.
  • You will not be able to delete a submitted course.


  • All self-reported grades will eventually be verified against official grades from your school.
  • In case of a discrepancy between self-reported and official grades:
    • the latter will be taken as the official version
    • the applicant may be required to provide an explanation
    • an admission decision is subject to change.

Othergrades reference chart

Grade Explanation
IP In Progress
The course is currently in progress and a grade is not yet available for this term.
P Pass/Passing
The course is not graded but the student completed course requirements and passed.
S Satisfactory
The course is not graded but the student completed course requirements and received credit.
CR Credit
The course is not graded but the student completed course requirements and received credit.
NP Not Passing
The course is not graded and the student did not pass.

Incomplete (also sometimes entered as ‘I’)
The course requirements were not met for any reason and the student did not receive a grade or course credit.

U Unsatisfactory
The course is not graded, the student did not complete course requirements and did not receive credit.
NC No Credit
The course is not graded, the student did not complete course requirements and did not receive credit.
W Withdrew/Withdrawal
The student withdrew from the course.

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