Wednesday Research Meetings
ICFP, Room 218B
1:30 – 3:00
Suicidology and the other: a discursive analysis of literature and discourses (January 28th)
Tara Holton
Compliance after an infarct: depression, meaning of life and popular theory of life (February 11th)
Danielle Groleau
The meaning of pain by therapists: an ethnography of a pain clinic in Brazil (February 18th)
Monica Angelim
Keizo Miyasaka et al. (March 10th)
Current Themes and Trends in British Transcultural Psychiatry
(March 31st)
Rob Whitley
Cultural Models and the Psychotic Experience: A Preliminry Analysis of Data from Turkey (April 7th)
Sadeq Rahimi
“Natural State of Wellness” to “Collective Intergenerational Trauma”: Health, Healing and Wellness Discourse in Canadian Aboriginal Communities (April 21st)
Caroline Tait
Causal Models of Symptoms Severity and Functional Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis (April 28th)
Dr. Karl Looper
How to Publish an Article in the Journal of Qualitative Health Research. A résume of the workshop given by Janice Morris, Editor, presented at the Banff International Conference on Qualitative Health Research (June 23rd)
Danielle Groleau
Research methods for eliciting narratives of illness and symptom experience (July 7th)
Sarah Darghouth
Are cities bad for your health? Social constructivism and epistemological dynamics explored (August 25th)
Rob Whitley
Jongler avec les sens pour contenir l’absurde: modeles interpretatifs de parents d’enfant autiste (September 8th)
Catherine Seguoin
Shifting understandings of ‘culture’ in a globalizing world, and their implications for acculturation research (September 22nd)
Jessica Deere
The construct of resiliency and its potential implications for First Nations communities – a preliminary discussion (October 6th)
Ken Paul
Ecstasy and despair: The new style in American religious practice and how it may be related to the rise in dissociative disorder (October 13th)
Tanya Luhrmann
Education, pediatrics and cultures. Swiss paediatricians working with interpreters in preventive consultations (October 20th)
Yvan Leanza
Diagnosing psychosis in patients of African origin: A U.S.-U.K. comparison (November 3rd)
Dr. G. Eric Jarvis
Meaning-Oriented Analysis in Cultural Psychiatry: Reading a Turkish Case of Psychosis (November 17th)
Sadeq Rahimi
Cultural Determinants of Compliance After a First Myocardial Infarct in French Canadians: The Results (November 24th)
Danielle Groleau