Vue d'ensemble
Sens musical : Training in keyboard skills required for research, professional presentations, and teaching: figured bass realization, melody harmonization, transposition, score reading, improvisation, and performance for dictation, taught through group meetings and weekly practical assignments.
Trimestres : Ce cours n’est pas au programme de l’année universitaire 2015-2016.
Chargés de cours : Aucun professeur n’est associé à ce cours pour l’année universitaire 2015-2016.
Enrollment preference will be given to students enrolled in graduate programs in music theory.
Restriction(s): By permission of the instructor.
Students must register for both MUSP 500D1 and MUSP 500D2.
No credit will be given for this course unless both MUSP 500D1 and MUSP 500D2 are successfully completed in consecutive terms.