Master of Laws (LL.M.); Law (Non-Thesis) (45 credits)

The 45-credit LL.M. non-thesis option complements previous legal education through specialized graduate-level coursework and in-depth research. It enhances expertise in selected areas of legal scholarship and offers an opportunity to write a supervised, substantial and publishable paper in an area of interest.

Candidates must remain in residence for three terms. The third term is devoted to the Research Project, usually taken in the summer of the first year, meaning that students usually complete their program within one calendar year. If the research project is not completed in this time, students must register for additional sessions as needed. All degree requirements must be completed within a maximum of three years of the date of first registration.

Research Project - Required

The supervised research project is a 15,000 word paper, assessed by the supervisor on a pass-fail basis, and is typically completed in the summer.

CMPL 655 (15) Research Project 1

Required Courses

CMPL 610 (4) Legal Research Methodology
CMPL 641 (4) Theoretical Approaches to Law

Complementary Courses

The remaining 22 credits (or fewer if more credits are earned for the research project) are chosen from among Faculty offerings at the 500 and 600 level.

Additional Research Project Courses

With the approval of the Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) and the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office (GPSO), students may take up to an additional 3 credits of research project courses by completing one or both of:

CMPL 656 (2) Research Project 2
CMPL 657 (1) Research Project 3
Faculty of Law—2009-2010 (last updated Mar. 31, 2010) (disclaimer)
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