FRQSC Competitions

is a provincial competition offering scholarships to both MA and Doctoral students. Applications can be in either French or English. As with the SSHRC competition, it should be noted that the application process can be very time consuming, and it is a good idea to start working on your application as early as possible, and work with your supervisor to edit and streamline your applications.

As of 2023, FRQSC competitions have been opened to both out of province students and international students. More eligibility information for this competition is available here.

Masters Competition

The MA FRQSC competition offers a $20,000 /year scholarship for up to two years, dependent on your year within the program. The application deadline is in early October, with the results being announced in April.

This competition is only open to students in thesis-based programs.

Information on the 2024-25 competition is available .

The application portal is available .

PhD Competition

The Ph.D. competition offers $25,000/year for up to four years, dependent on your year within the program. The application deadline is in early October, with the results being released in April.

Please note that while applications can be in either English or French, doctoral applicants are required to provide a proposal abstract in French.

Information on the 2024-25 competition is available .

The application portal is available .

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