
QLSC 600: Foundations of Quantitative Life Sciences (6 credits)

QLSC 600 provides an overview of important problems in the life sciences and introduces students to the latest computational, mathematical, and statistical approaches involved in their solution. Includes a survey of modern technologies for biological data acquisition and promotes a common language to communicate across the biological, physical, mathematical, and computational sciences. Topics will include bioinformatics and computational genomics, nonlinear dynamics in biological systems, linear and nonlinear models of biological signals, biophysical imaging technology, emergent behaviour in biophysical networks, and ecosystem dynamics and modeling.

Each academic year, QLS hires TAs to support the teaching of QLSC-600.


Course Number

QLSC 600 D1 (Fall) and QLSC 600 D2 (Winter)

Course Coordinator

erik.cook [at] mcgill.ca (subject: QLSC%20600) (Prof. Erik Cook)

Course Administrator

coordinator.qls [at] mcgill.ca (subject: QLSC%20600) (QLS Coordinator)

Credit Weight

6 credits (3 per term)


Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:35-4:25
Sherbrooke 550, QLS Conference Room


BIOL 200 or BIOL 201, COMP 206, COMP 250, MATH 223 or MATH 236, MATH 314, MATH 323 or 324 (or equivalents).

Students without the prerequisites can register with approval from the course coordinator upon demonstration of the required knowledge and skills. 

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