Simulation du Parlement Europeen, Canada, Quebec, Europe

Simulation du Parlement Europeen, Canada, Quebec, Europe (SPEQUE): Since 1998 when SPEQUE began, McGill has participated four times with a team representing a member state of the European Union. The week-long simulation of a session of the European Parliament, not only the Plenary sessions but also relevant Committees and Party Family Caucuses, took place the first year in the National Assembly, Quebec City, and the second in Strasbourg, France. The conference alternates location between Europe and Canada. In both 1998 and 1999, McGill's team won the prize for the best prepared country position paper. SPEQUE 2000 took place in Quebec City; the President of the organization was a McGill MA student. All documentation and most discussions take place in French. In years in which strong interest is shown in forming a team graduate and law students will be eligible to apply for it.

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