

a globe of the world turning with the words breaking news

August 2024 News:

  • Gabriella talks about the role of melatonin in REM sleep from her paper.

​ċċċċċċMcGill Health e-News, 14 Aug 2024, Dream discovery: Melatonin's key role in REM sleep revealed

McGill Newsroom, 07 Aug 2024, Dream discovery: Melatonin's key role in REM sleep revealed

July 2024 News:

  • Ҳ’s in J Neurosci on MT1 receptors discussed here:

25 July 2024, Research, REM sleep switch discovered and first targeted drug

  • Audrey’s NFRF grant studying air pollution and teens in Benin is highlighted in the FMHS’s Health e-News bulletin

Timothy Gouldson, 11 July 2024, Reducing air pollution’s toll on teens with asthma

  • A story about a novel drug from Ҳ’s lab for those with neuropathic pain and insomnia. In part, the story covers how the drug has moved forward through various phases thanks to the support of the CQDM, Brain Canada, and Delmar Chemicals. It is now ready to start human clinical trials.

Brain Canada, 03 July 2024, McGill, industry, CQDM and Brain Canada collaborate for drug discovery

  • Jeff discusses pain tolerance and sex differences.

Patience Asanga, 05 July 2024, Do women have a higher pain tolerance than men?

June 2024 News:

  • Jeff talks about his opinion piece on the importance of male-female comparisons in research.

Daniel Nuccio, 13 June 2024,” Premier scientific journal Nature takes on ‘climate of fear’ surrounding research on sex and gender”

  • Marie Moucarry, 06 June 2024, Mark Ware teaches about the Challenge of Pain at the Dr. Hirsh Rosenfeld Distinguished Public Lecture in Family Medicine.

April 2024 News:

  • Philippe interviewed in the McGill Reporter on his lab’s work on ASICs and in the resulting biotech startup, Neurasic Therapeutics

Emilie Hackett, 12 April 2024, Charting a safer course:

Advancements in chronic pain treatment

  • Mary-Ann interviewed in a piece on cannabis use in medical treatments

Amina Zafar, 06 April 2024, “Medical cannabis hurdles remain in Canada. Here's why”

March 2024 News:

  • Two years later, the paper by Parisien et al in is still making the news.

​ċċċċċċDerek Burnett, 20 March 2024, “Is There a Low-Inflammation Diet?”

Cara Michelle Miller, 07 Mar 2024, “Medicamento antiinflamatorio podría provocar dolor crónico, mientras que la inflamación podría sanar”

February 2024 News:

  • Piece in the Reporter on Tim’s being one of the “Top 10 Research Advances of 2023 by Arthritis Society Canada

20 Feb 2024, “Timothy Wideman honoured by Arthritis Society of Canada”

  • A commentary in Neuron on the paper from Steve Prescott’s lab that Alfredo was involved with (see below). Puts it in larger context and might be of interest to some.

ER Rogers, SF Lempko, M Capogrosso, 07 Feb 2024, Does high-frequency stimulation of sensory axons break the causal link between pain relief and paresthesia?

January 2024 News:

  • The paper from Mathieu’s lab in is getting more coverage.

Remi Brancato, 15 Jan 2023, Nos morceaux de musiques préférés agissent efficacement contre la douleur, selon des chercheurs canadiens

Ebony Williams, 20 Jan 2024, Study: Listening to your favorite song could help relieve pain.

Ebony Williams, 20 Jan 2024, Study: Listening to your favorite song could help relieve pain

  • The paper in the in which Tim & Laura are involved, makes the news.

17 Jan 2024, Les traumas de l'enfance accroissent le risque de douleur chronique à l'âge adulte

20 Jan 2024, Ainsley Hawthorn, Childhood Trauma Increases the Long-Term Risk of Chronic Pain

09 Jan 2023, Study Reveals Link Between Childhood Trauma And Higher Risk Of Chronic Pain In Adulthood: Understanding The Connection For Improved Health Care

McGill News Room, 20 Dec 2023, Childhood trauma increases risk of chronic pain in adulthood.

19 Dec 2023, Childhood trauma increases risk of chronic pain in adulthood, according to new research.

19 Dec 2023, Researchers reveal childhood trauma raises risk of chronic pain.

19 Dec 2023, Childhood trauma and chronic pain are linked, concerning study finds.

20 Dec 2023, Study Shows Childhood Trauma Increases Risk Of Chronic Pain In Adulthood.

AAAS, 19 Dec 2023, Childhood trauma increases risk of chronic pain in adulthood, research to-date highlights.

20 Dec 2023, Childhood Trauma Could Raise Odds for Adult Physical Pain.

Pat Anson, 20 Dec 2023, Childhood Trauma Raises Risk of Chronic Pain in Adults by 45%.

Paul McClure, 21 Dec 2023, Adult chronic pain 45% more likely after childhood trauma, study finds.

Lori Solomon, 22 Dec 2023, Exposure to Any Adverse Childhood Experience Tied to Later Pain Disorders.

20 Dec 2023, Traumatisme dans l’enfance, douleur chronique à l’âge adulte.

Anuradha Varanasi, 26 Dec 2023, Childhood Trauma Linked To 45% Greater Risk Of Chronic Pain In Adulthood.

Keila Depape-McGill, 26 Dec 2023, Childhood trauma ups risk of chronic pain later.

Hellen Shikanda, 05 Jan 2024, How trauma will affect your child when they grow up.

  • This paper from involving Mark, and Marc O, has received some press coverage.

04 Jan 2024, Analysis: Few Serious Adverse Events Associated With Medical Cannabis Use

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