Video / audio publishing criteria

Units are encouraged to work with McGill’s Social Media team and Video Production Services when looking to produce original video content for the University's YouTube channel. Live-streaming to McGill's main YouTube channel is done solely by the Multimedia team and to the McGill Facebook page at the discretion of the Social Media team. Please see our Visual Identity Guide when creating videos for the channel. CER has the final determination whether content is to be published on our channel.ĚýWhen submitting a video file for uploading to the channel, have a look at this guide for supplying us with the proper metadata to accompany the video. If your video is more for an internal audience, consider using Stream (video sharing software). If you have video or audio content that meets the following criteria and want to share it on the or podcasting channel, info.communications [at] mcgill.ca (contact us).Ěý

The following conditions must be met for publishing or live-streaming to McGill’s YouTube account:

  • The content is of interest to a large segment of our general audience*
  • The content is sponsored by a McGill Faculty or Department
  • Audio and video files meet or exceed quality standards
  • There are no copyrighted images, or media (including music)
  • Videos should be accessible (include captions, a transcript, and audio description wherever possible)
  • Permissions for publication have been obtained for all participants
  • The content is not course-related
  • Metadata text is provided 

*Videos not filling this criteria, should be published "unlisted" (ie. when you wish to share to your audience with a link on your website


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