When the economic times are tough, everyone in your organization feels intense pressure to be profitable and keep ahead of the competition. In times like these, management’s task is to motivate...
Imagine that you are in the spotlight as the speaker, for a prepared or impromptu delivery. All of a sudden, you have a dry mouth, and your thoughts freeze. The room might be spinning. It’s a...
Coaching is foundational to creating and maintaining a dynamic learning organization and a healthy work environment. As leaders we wear different hats and coaching may become a favorite!...
Join a 90-minute group discussion and reflection based on a CoachingOurselves module - an innovative coaching approach, developed by Dr. Henry Mintzberg and Phil LeNir, which offers over one...
“Burnout is the biggest occupational hazard of the 21st century. It’s a phenomenon that has been increasing everywhere – growing like a virus.” Drs. Christina Maslach and Michael Leiter...
Explore the impacts of breathing and meditation on mental health and wellness. Take a moment to meet, meditate, and take “a few more breaths”.
To register:/myhealthyworkplaceCategory:Staff workshops
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