Do Ye Remember Me; I Will Remember You

30 Aug 2024

I feel stressed about my upcoming biology exam. I’m saddened by the death of my friend’s mother. My grandparents’ declining health worries me. I’ve overjoyed by my recent academic accomplishment....

Synchronicity as Spiritual Experience

29 Apr 2024

Many of us seek spiritual experiences. Perhaps we want to sense signals that the universe, God, ancestors, nature, and/ or other higher powers are present with us, shaping us and our lives. Or we...

Earth Day

24 Apr 2024

To mark Earth Day, we're sharing a few book and podcast ideas for rejuvenation and hope in relationships with the earth. Books: Sacred Nature by Karen Armstrong

On Divine Silence

22 Mar 2024

“One of the hardest lessons to learn spiritually is that God’s silence is not the same thing as God’s absence. God can be present with us despite the fact that God might not be communicating...

Periods of Darkness are Followed by Hope

19 Feb 2024

In Sarah Bessey's Out of Sorts: Making Peace with an Evolving Faith, she writes about how hope can grow out of despair:

On Values

18 Dec 2023

“Good values are 1) reality-based, 2) socially constructive, and 3) immediate and controllable. Bad values are 1) superstitious, 2) socially destructive, and 3) not immediate or controllable. Good,...

Spiritual Longing

21 Nov 2023

Susan Cain, known for writing Quiet: the Power of Introverts, recently published Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make us Whole.

Strengthening the Inner Self

11 Sep 2023

What does it mean to strengthen your sense of self? This is an open-ended question with many possibilities. Here are a few thoughts. When I spend time discovering and developing what I believe,...

Growing Roots in the Forest

31 Jul 2023

When I first moved to Montreal, I felt trapped in concrete-- I had never lived in an urban centre before. Walks in the forest on Mount Royal have saved me. The longer I walk, the more present and...


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