Undergraduate student bios

Joseph Adamo

I just started McGill, coming from CEGEP, in Atmospheric Sciences and Physics Joint Major with a minor in Mathematics. Currently in U1, I am expected to graduate in 2023 and am looking forward to dig deeper into the program, and research in the AOS field!

Calvin Coulbury

I started my undergraduate degree in 2018 as a Physics major, and switched into the joint Physics and AOS major my second year at McGill. I expect to graduate Winter 2022 and am currently working on a research project under Dr. Cowan.

Maria Gheta

I began my degree at McGill in the fall of 2018 after graduating from Cégep Vanier. Currently, I am in my final year, double majoring in Math and Atmospheric & Oceanic sciences. I have had internships at McGill, UQÀR and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) in the field of physical oceanography and hope to complete my MSc in that field once I graduate. When I’m not studying, I can be found in the pool, as I am a member of the McGill Varsity Artistic Swimming team!


NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (2020, 2021)
CMOS Daniel G. Wright Undergraduate Scholarship (2021)
Dorothy Nichol Scholarship (2020)
Jean Béliveau Athletic Award (2020)
Uldis Auders Memorial Trophy (2020)

Community Engagement:

AOSSUM VP Internal (2021-present)
AOSSUM VP Communications (2018-2021)
AOSSUM VP Events (2018-2021)

Harriet Easterbook

I started my undergrad in 2018, as a double major in physics and computer science. Deciding that the climate was more interesting, I quickly switched into pure atmospheric and oceanic science. I spent the summer working with Professor David Straub, and expect to graduate in 2022.

Mees Franssen

I transferred from Mechanical Engineering at McGill to join the Honors Atmospheric Science program. My current research interests are atmospheric dynamics as well as atmospheric aerosol chemistry. This past summer I had a research assistantship under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Zuend where I developed machine learning models to predict molecular surface tension values. I expect to graduate in 2023.


  • AOSSUM U1 Representative
  • VP Internal and Co-Founder of McGill aCADemy
  • Control Systems Engineer in the McGill Space Group as part of the Canadian Satellite Design Competition
  • Subteam Leader at McGill Baja Racing


Shanon Lapointe

I am a U3 Atmospheric Science major with a minor in Education. I started my undergraduate degree in 2019 and expect to graduate in fall 2022.

Community Engagement:

AOSSUM VP Communications

Isabelle Sangha

I started my undergraduate studies at McGill in the fall of 2018 pursuing a degree in Honours Atmospheric and Oceanic Science. I’m expected to graduate in the spring of 2022. I’m currently working with Professor Cowan on modeling the emissivity of planets’ atmospheres with varying atmospheric constituents.

Etienne Sebag

I am a statistics major, and I am also completing a minor in AOS. I came to McGill in Fall 2018 after having completed high school in Qatar. I have also lived in Germany, Mexico, and the United States. I am very interested in the statistical analysis of extreme weather events. I expect to graduate in May 2022.

Aelis Spiller

My name is Aelis and I am a U2 minoring in AOS and majoring in Earth Systems Science. I use she/her pronouns and am the VP External of AOSSUM. A fun fact about me is that I have been to Antarctica!

Maya Willard-Stephan

I began my undergrad at McGill in 2018, working towards a double major in physics and environmental science, with a minor in AOS. My favorite pastimes include collecting jazz records, hiking, and thrifting quirky art. I am currently working with Dr. Shaun Lovejoy on climate projections using the Fractional Energy Balance Equation, and Dr. Elena Bennett in the Bennett Lab on energy sources and their connection to human rights violations.

Community Engagement:

Jack.org VP External 2018-2020,
Jack.org EDI Officer (present)
Divest McGill 2019-2020
Sustainability Ambassador 2019-2020
Sustainability Communications Intern (present)
SSMU Mental Health Roundtable member 2019-2020
Advisor for the McGill Suicide Postvention Framework 2019 AOSSUM VP Equity (present)

Lauryn Talbot

I started my undergraduate degree at McGill in 2018 after graduating High School in Ontario. I am in U3 majoring in AOS and Physics with a minor in Environment. I expect to graduate in Fall 2022. I have worked under Dr. Cowan of EPSC to make activities for elementary students to learn about climate and the atmosphere. I have also completed an independent project with Dr. Tan of AOS on the bias of AIRS and COSMIC on the planetary boundary layer. I am currently working under Dr. Dufour investigating patterns in retroflection of Labrador Currents.

Community Engagement:

AOSSUM President (Present)
Climate Science Olympiad Finalist (2021)
McGill Eating Disorder Support Centre Events Volunteer (Present)
AOSSUM VP Internal (2020-2021)

AOSSUM U1 Rep and VP External (2019)

New Residence Hall VP Equity (2018-2019)
CEEC VP Equity (2018-2019)
STEM Fellowship McGil VP Events (2019)

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