Seminar: Dr. Robert Rabin
Please join us as we welcome Dr. Robert Rabin from NOAA/National Severe Storms Lab Norman, OK and the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for his seminar titled Monitoring severe thunderstorm environments from high temporal observations from GOES, radar and lightning sensors. Coffee will be served.
The GOES-14 imager was operated in Super Rapid Scan Operation for GOES-R (SRSOR) mode on several days during 2012, 2013 and 2014. This enabled testing the value of simultaneous high temporal observations (1-minute intervals) from GOES-14, radar (TDWR and WSR-88D), and lightning sensors (LMA and Earth Networks) in monitoring convective storms. Observations of similar temporal resolution will be routinely available with the era of GOES-R.
From the available data, examples will be shown which illustrate the evolution of boundaries from radar and visible satellite imagery, and their possible influence on convective initiation and interaction with existing convection. Analysis systems which combine GOES Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs), Doppler radar radial velocities and other observations (such as the Local Analysis and Prediction System, LAPS) will be used to estimate the kinematic wind properties in vicinity of boundaries and developing storms. The time continuity of overshooting tops, lightning height and frequency, precipitation intensity, and significant weather events (radar detected mesocyclones, hail signature, etc.) also will be explored from the high temporal observations.