Environment, People, Power, and the Law: Reconceiving Relationships, (Re) building Bridges
This McGill Law Journal () symposium explores the complex interaction between law, society, and the environment.
In particular, the symposium fosters interdisciplinary reflection and dialogue on a wide range of contemporary legal issues related to the environment, including: legal narratives on nature; critical perspectives on environmental justice; jurisdictional debates over land governance; and private law responses to environmental challenges.
Three panels will cover "Environmental Harm, Environmental Justice: Rights, Remedies, and Resistance"; "People and Power: Pathways to Protecting Indigenous Land Rights"; and "Un système en mouvement: réponses du droit commun aux défis environnementaux".
- Michel Bélanger, Université de Montréal
- Natasha Bakht, University of Ottawa
- Deborah Curran, University of Victoria
- Lynda Collins, University of Ottawa
- Gaële Gidrol-Mistral, UQAM
- David Grinlinton, University of Auckland
- Paule Halley, Université Laval
- Dayna Scott, York University
- Adrian Smith, Carleton University
- Sarah Vanuxem, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Meals and refreshments served. Cocktail to follow.