

Very excited to share our recent paper published in Cell Reports "Transcriptional control of brain tumor stem cells by a carbohydrate binding protein"

Congratulations to Dilan Rasool for receiving the trainee travel award from the McGill Regenerative Medicine Network.

Dilan Rasoolwas awarded the 1st poster presentation prize in Neuroscience at the 20th Annual McGill Biomedical Graduate Student Conference (AMBGC) for her poster"Mapping PHF6 gene regulatory modules in the developing cortex”

Congratulations toAudrey Burban for receiving the 1st prize in the virtual Science Communication contest organized by The Brain Tumor Research Seminar Series.

Very excited to share our recent paper published in Nature communications "OSMR controls glioma stem cell respiration and confers resistance of glioblastoma to ionizing radiation"

Congratulationsto Audrey Burban for her success in receiving the FRQS postdoctoral fellowship. Audrey's application was ranked 1st in the committee.

Great talk by Dr. Jahani-Asl at the Brain Tumor Research Symposium on the function of OSMR in mitochondrial respiration and glioblastoma resistance to therapy.

Great talk by Ahmad on regulation of glioma stem cell self-renewal and tumorigenesis in the Under the Microscope session of TMM2019 meeting.

Ahmad was awarded the 1st place poster prize at the International Drug Discovery and Development Forum 2019 for his poster "Regulation of glioma stem cell self-renewal and tumourigenesis by carboydrate binding proteins".

Audrey was awarded the 2nd place poster prize at the International Drug Discovery and Development Forum 2019 for her poster "OSMR Controls Mitochondrial Respiration and Resistance to Ionizing Radiation in Brain Tumour Stem Cells".

Congratulationsto Ahmad Sharanek and Audrey Burban forreceiving thetrainee awards from theMcGill Regenerative Medicine Network to attend the upcoming Till& McCulloch Meetings (TMM2019)which is taking place in Montréal,November 4-6.

Congratulations to Claire Haumesser for her success in receiving the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award.

Matthew Laaper is a finalist in McGill's 3 Minutes Thesis Competition.

We are grateful that our project on “OSMR regulation of glioblastoma pathogenesis” is funded by CIHR. Great start of 2019 for the Jahani Lab.

Congratulations to Matthew Laaper for Submitting his Master's thesis!

Lab Awards

Ahmad was awarded the 1st place poster prize at the McGill's 2018 Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine Network Seminar for his poster "Regulation of glioma stem cell self-renewal and tumourigenesis by carboydrate binding protein"

Ahmad was also awarded a poster prize at the International Drug Discovery and Development Forum 2018

Matthew was awarded the 1st place poster prize at the3rd International Conference on Stem Cells, Development and Cancer for his poster "Regulation of glioma stem cell metabolism by Oncostatin M receptor"

News Articles

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