
Unpacking Women's Empowerment: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice in International Development

Conference Poster

ISID's 2018 annual conference on was held onMarch 15-16. The conferenceaimedto “unpack” the agenda of women’s empowerment in global development, with an interdisciplinary group of experts whodiscussed contemporary challenges and opportunities for research, policy and practice, as well as examined some of the recent evidence on empowerment initiatives in resource-poor settings. The conference focused on various challenges that confront scholars and policy makers seeking to construct policies and assess their impact on increasing women’s autonomy, voice, and/or well-being in the household, civil society, and national politics. Some of these challenges include the difficulties associated with how tomeasure and benchmark progress toward achieving women’s empowerment in diverse development contexts, as well as concerns that the design and implementation of women’s empowerment policies obscure their politically contested nature. Other challenges have to do with how to incorporate evidence of social and political backlash in assessing the impact and success of various policies.

You may download the PDF version of theprogramhere:PDF icon 2018 ISID Conference Program

The conference was recorded and uploaded to page. The recordings are now available!

As part of thisconference, a workshop was held on measurement of Women's Economic Empowerment with expert panelists from Fedesarrollo, the International Development Research Centre(IDRC), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, and the World Bank. The report is available here:PDF icon ISID 2018 Conference. Measurement Workshop

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