Publications récentes

Baarends E, Van der Klink M, & Thomas A. An exploratory study on the teaching of evidence-based decision making. Open J Occup Ther. 2017;5(3) DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1292.

Audétat MC, Laurin S, Dory V, Charlin B, Nendaz MR. Diagnosis and management of clinical reasoning difficulties: Part I. Clinical reasoning supervision and educational diagnosis. Med Teach. 2017;39(8):792-796.

Hogden A, Greenfield D, Nugus P, Kiernan M. Development of a model to guide decision making in amytrophic lateral sclerosis multidisciplinary care. Health Expect. 2015;18(5): 1769-1782.4.

TenCate O, Hart D, Ankel F, Snell L, et al. Entrustment decision-making in clinical training. Acad Med. 2015:92(2).

Lubarsky S, Dory V, Audetat MC, Custers EJFM, Charlin B. Using script theory to cultivate illness script formation and diagnostic reasoning in health professions education. Can Med Educ J. 2015;6(2): e61-e70.

Monteiro SD, Sherbino J, Ilgen J, Dore K, Wood T, Young ME, Bandiera G, Boulin D, Gaissmaier W, Norman G, Howey B. Disrupting diagnostic reasoning: do interruptions, instructions, and experience affect the diagnostic accuracy and response time of residents and emergency physicians? Acad Med. 2015;90(4):511-517.

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