Selected Publications

Nguyen LHP, Mascarella M*, Bank I, Fisher R, Young M. Managing the Airway Catastrophe: Longitudinal simulation-based curriculum to teach airway management. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Feb 19;48(1):10.

Labbe M*, Young M, Mascarella M*, Husein M, Doyle P, Nguyen LHP. How consistent is competent? Examining variance in psychomotor skills assessment. Acad Med (accepted)

Chaudhry Z*, Campagna-Vaillancourt M*, Husein M, Varshney R, Roth K, Gooi A, Nguyen LHP. Perioperative Teaching and Feedback: How are we doing in Canadian OTL-HNS programs? J OTL-HNS 2019; 48:6.

Beaudoin PL*, Labbé M*, Fanous A, Young M, Rappaport J, Park YS, Manoukian JJ, Nguyen LHP. Teaching communication Skills to OTL-HNS Residents: Multisource feedback and simulated scenarios. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Jan 28;48(1):8.

Nhan C*, Nguyen LHP, Bank I, Fisher R, Nugus P, Azzam M, Young M. Interdisciplinary Crisis Resource Management Training: How Do Otolaryngology Residents Compare? A Survey Study. OTO-Open 2018 May: Issue 2 Volume 2.

Labbé M, Young M, Nguyen LHP. Validity evidence as a key marker of quality of technical skill assessment in OTL-HNS. Laryngoscope. 2018 Jan 13. doi: 10.1002/lary.27085.

Labbe M*, Young M, Nguyen LHP. Toolbox of Assessment Tools of Technical Skills in OTL-HNS: A Systematic Review. Laryngoscope 2017 Oct 8. doi: 10.1002/lary.26943.

Fanous A*, Rappaport J, Young M, Park YS, Manoukian J, Nguyen LHP. A Longitudinal Simulation-Based Ethical-Legal Curriculum for Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Residents. Laryngoscope. 2017 Nov;127(11):2501-2509.

Chorfi S*, Schwartz JS*, Verma N*, Young Meredith, Lawrence J, Nguyen LHP. Evolution of Gender Diversity Among Canadian OTL-HNS Residents : A 27-Year Analysis. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017 Aug 29;46(1):55.

Bouhabel S*, Kay-Rivest E*, Nhan C*, Bank I, Nugus, P, Fisher R, Nguyen LHP. Error detection-based model to assess educational outcomes in Crisis Resource Management training: a pilot study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017 Jun;156(6):1080-1083

Alrasheed A*, Nguyen LHP, Funnell R. Mongeau L, Tewfik M. The Development and Validation of a 3D printed Ostiomeatal Complex and Frontal Sinus Training Model for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology. 2017 June 14.

Yang N*, Hosseini S*, Mascarella MA*, Young M, Posel N, Fung K, Nguyen LHP. Identifying High Quality Medical Education Websites in Otolaryngology: A Guide for Medical Students and Residents. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017 May 25;46(1):42.

AlReefi MA*, Nguyen LHP, Mongeau LG, ul Haq B, Boyanapalli S, Hafeez N, Cegarra-Escolano F, Tewfik MA. Development and Validation of Septoplasty Training Model Using 3D Printing Technology. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2017 Apr;7(4):399-404.

Kay-Rivest E*, Varma N, Scott GM, Manoukian JJ, Desrosiers M, Vaccani JP, Nguyen LHP. Securing an OTL-HNS Residency: How Competitive Is It? Comparing Medical Student Perceptions to Actual Canadian Statistics. J OTL-HNS 2017 Feb 27;46(1):16.

Schwartz J*, Costescu A*, Mascerella M, Young M, Husein M, Agrawal S, Roth K, Doyle P, Nguyen LHP. Objective Assessment of Myringotomy and Tympanostomy Tube Insertion: A Prospective, Single-Blind Validation Study. Laryngoscope. 2016 Sep;126(9):2140-6.

Sater L*, Schwartz J*, Coupland S, Young M, Nguyen LHP. Nationwide study of publication misrepresentation in applicants to residency. Medical Education 2015 Jun;49(6):601-11.

*Varshney R, Frenkiel S, Nguyen LHP, Young M, Del Maestro R, Zeitouni A, Saad E, Funnell RJ , National Research Council of Canada, Tewfik MA. The McGill Simulator for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (MSESS): a validation study. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Oct 24;43(1):40.

*Varshney R, Frenkiel S, Nguyen LHP, Young M, Del Maestro R, Zeitouni A, Tewfik M, National Research Council of Canada. Development of the McGill Simulator for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (MSESS): A New High Fidelity Virtual Reality Simulator for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Am J Rhinol Allergy, 2014 Jul;28(4):330-4.

*Campagna M, Manoukian J, Razack S, Nguyen LHP. Assessment of the Acceptability of the Multiple Mini Interview for the Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery program. Laryngoscope. 2014 Jan;124(1):91-6.

*Schwartz J, Young M, Velley AM, Nguyen LHP. The Evolution of Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity in U.S. Otolaryngology Residency Programs. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013 Feb;139(2):147-52.

*Alkhatib T, Fanous A, Al-Saab F, Sewitch M, Razack S, Nguyen LHP. Pneumatic video-otoscopy teaching improves the diagnostic accuracy of otitis media with effusion: Results of a randomized control trial. (2010).

*Vu TT, Nguyen LHP. Residents’ Satisfaction in Canadian Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Programs. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surgery 2010 Apr;39(2):207-13.


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