
Partnerships and Collaborative Research Agreements

Partnership programs involve more than one single sponsor from industry or government. They are usually referred to as university-industry, university-government or university-industry-government collaborative agreements. Among the possible types of collaboration, it is important to emphasize NSERC's Collaborative Research and Development Grants Program (CRD) and its Idea to Innovation (I2I) Program. These programs can provide matching funding by NSERC and require a normal grant application procedure. The typical duration of these collaborative projects is from two to three years and their total costs can vary, but are in the order of $30,000 - $50,000 per year.

NSERC Industrial Research Chairs Program

If your company's research interests are longer term (5 years), your needs match closely with the expertise of a particular professor, and your company has a desire to create a long-term critical mass of expertise at a university, as well as ensure the availability of highly trained professionals for that field, then the creation of an NSERC Industrial Research Chair (IRC) may be appropriate.

For more information on these programs, please contact Katya Marc, Industry Liaison Manager, katya.marc [at] mcgill.ca, 514-398-3355

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