Donald H. Drury

Professor Emeritus, Accounting
Donald H. Drury

Doctor of Philosophy, Accounting and Information Systems, Northwestern University

Certified Management Accountant, Society of Management Accountants of Canada

Master of Business Administration (Summa Cum Laude), McMaster University

Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Summa Cum Laude), McMaster University

Professor Emeritus
Selected publications: 

Drury, D.H. and A. Farhoomand, “Too Much Data”, Profit Magazine, May, 2006, p. 13.

Drury, D.H., “The Pivotal Position of the CIO in Information Technology Management,” The International Journal of Technology and Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 113-137, 2005.

Drury, D.H., “Innovation, Control, and the Expectations Gap,” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2004, pp. 50-72.

Drury, D.H., “IT TCO: Facts and Fantasies,” Journal of Cost Analysis and Management, Winter 2003, pp. 23-40.

Drury, D.H., “Managing Information Overload,” Communications of the ACM, October 2002, Vol. 45, No. 2. With A. Farhoomand, pp. 127-131.

Drury, D.H., “Diversity and Scientific Progress in the Information Systems Discipline,” Communications of the AIS, May 2001, Volume 5, Article 12. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “Structure of Organizational Information Technology Service,” International Journal of Service Technology and Management, 2001, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 380-406.

Drury, D.H., “Determining IT TCO: Lessons and Extensions,” Proceedings of Conference, ECIS Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 2001. Best Paper Award.

Drury, D.H., “Information Technology Service Decisions,” Proceedings of Conference, DSI Conference, Orlando, November, 2000.

Drury, D.H., “Assessment of IT Total Cost of Ownership,” Proceedings of Conference, APDSI, 200, Tokyo, Japan, July 2000.

Drury, D.H., “Barriers to the Productive Use of Computers,” Proceedings of Conference, North American Productivity Workshop, Schenectady, June, 2000.

Drury, D.H., “Assessment of Information Technology Chargeback Systems”, INFOR, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2000, pp. 293-313.

Drury, D.H., “An Empirical Assessment of Information Technology Chargeback Decisions”. In (Eds) Zanakis, S.H., G. Doukidis, and C. Zopoundisis, Recent Developments and Applications in Decision-Making, Khwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

Drury, D.H., “Managing Differences in Information Technology,” International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 12, No. 6, 1999, pp. 293-305.

Drury, D.H., “Innovation Diffusion and Implementation,” International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1999, pp. 133-157. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “A Historiographical Examination of Information Systems,” Communications of the AIS, Vol. 1, No. 19, 1999, pp. 1-20. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “States of IT Change,” Proceedings of Conference, AIS Association, CEGY, Paris, May 1999. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “Knowledge Worker Constraints in the Productive Use of Information Technology,” Journal of Computer Personnel, Vol. 20, No.1, 1999, pp. 22-42.

Drury, D.H., “The Information Productivity Paradox In Asia,” Proceedings of Conference, BITWorld’99 Conference, Capetown, South Africa, 1999. With A. Farhoomand and L. Eccles.

Drury, D.H., “Information Technology Push/Pull Reactions,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol 47, No. 1, 1999, pp. 3-10. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “Information Technology Charging Systems,” Proceedings of Conference, Decision Sciences Conference 99, Athens, Greece, 1999.

Drury, D.H., “Moving to Guanzhou: The Case of Cathay Pacific Airlines,” Proceedings of Conference, ECIS Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France, June 1998. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “Comparisons of Alignment in Managing Information Systems,” Proceedings of Conference, ECIS Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France, June, 1998. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., Management Accounting Guidelines, Canadian Academic Accounting Association, 1998. “Understanding and Implementing ISO 14000”, “Implementing Ethics Strategies Within Organizations”.

Drury, D.H., “Management Accounting Paradigms in Transition,” Journal of Cost Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1998, pp. 32-40. With C. McWatters.

Drury, D.H., “A Hierarchical Structural Model of Information Systems Success,” INFOR, February-May, 36(1/2), 1998. Pp. 25-40. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “A Temporal Analysis of IT Chargeback Systems,” Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1998, pp. 5-13

Drury, D.H., “Improving MIS Research: Order Effects in Surveys,” Information Systems Journal, 7, Spring 1998, pp.241-251. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “EDI Innovation Patterns and Dimensions,” International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1997, pp. 173-190. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “Information Technology and Users: A Comparison of Views,” Proceedings of Conference, International Management Association, Montreal, August 6-9, 1997. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “The Dialectic of IT Chargeback Systems,” International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 14, No. 5, 1997. pp. 496-512.

Drury, D.H., “Client/server Chargeback Systems,” Information and Management, 32, 1997, pp. 177-186.

Drury, D.H., “An Administrative Innovation Approach to Environmental Committee Development,” International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol. 8, No. 1/2 1997.

Drury, D.H., Management Accounting Guidelines, Canadian Academic Accounting Association, 1997. “Self Directed Work Teams”, “Developing Comprehensive Competitive Intelligence”, “Tools and Techniques of Environmental Accounting for Business Decision Environmental Management”, “Value Chain Analysis”, “Capacity Management”, “Restructuring the Finance Function”, “Measuring and Managing Shareholder Value Creation”.

Drury, D.H., “Chargeback Systems Success,” Proceedings of Conference, European Information Systems Conference, Cork Ireland, June 1997.

Drury, D.H., “A Model of Organizational Adoption of Information Technology,” Proceedings of Conference, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, Queensland, April 1997.

Drury, D.H., “The Enigma of Chargeback Systems,” Capacity Management Review, January, 1997. Pp. 1, 16-22.

Drury, D.H., “Structure and Extensions of the UIS Construct,” Australian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 4, No.2, April 1997, pp.114-124. With A. Farhoomand and C. Wrigley.

Drury, D.H., “Administrative Innovation Adoption: The Case of EDI,” Proceedings of Conference, Lahore, Pakistan, June 2-3, 1996.

Drury, D.H., “An Empirical Assessment of the UIS Construct,” Proceedings of Conference, Fist Asia Pacific DSI Conference, Hong Kong, June 21-22, 1996, pp. 201-211. With A. Farhoomand and C. Wrigley.

Drury, D.H., “Administrative Innovation Applied to Systems Adoption”, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1996, pp. 1-15. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “Innovation Adoption of EDI”, Information Resources Management Journal, Summer 1996, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 5-15. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “Factors Influencing EDI Success,” Data Base Advances in Information Systems, Winter 1996, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 45-57. With A. Farhoomand.

Drury, D.H., “The Stages of Innovation and Control,” Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1993, pp. 7-23.

Drury, D.H., The Effects of Controls on Innovative Behaviour, Canadian Centre for Management Development, Ottawa, 1990.

Drury, D.H., “Issues in Forecasting Management”, Management International Review, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1990, pp. 317-330.

Drury, D.H., Forecasting for Management Accountants, Society of Management Accountants, Hamilton, 1989.

Drury, D.H., Management Accounting, Society of Management Accountants, Hamilton, 1986.

Review of Jensen, H., ed., Information Systems in Accounting, Ohio State Press, in Contemporary Accounting Research, Autumn 1986.

Drury, D.H. and C.W. Sealey, Government Enterprise Finance: Air Canada and Canadian National Railways, Economic Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1985.

Review of A. Rosen, Topics in Managerial Accounting, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, Ryerson, Limited, Toronto 1983, Contemporary Accounting Research, Spring 1985.

Drury, D.H. and Errunza, V.R., Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure, Society of Management Accountants, Hamilton, Canada, 1985.

Drury, D.H., “A Survey of Data Processing Steering Committees,” Information and Management, 9, 1985, pp. 1-7.

Drury, D.H., “Data Processing Service Risk,” International Journal of Policy and Information, December 1984, pp. 41-50.

Drury, D.H., Benbasat, I., Dexter, A.S. and Goldstein, R.C., “A Critique of the Stage Hypothesis: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” Communications of the ACM, May 1984, pp. 476-485.

Review of M. Neuman, C. Smart, and I. Vertinsky, Research Monograph No. 4, “Accountants Roles in Industrial Organizations and Access to Information,” Vancouver, CGA Foundation, 1982, in Accounting Review, October 1984.

Drury, D.H., “An Evaluation of Data Processing Steering Committees,” MIS Quarterly, December 1984, pp. 257-266.

Drury, D.H., “An Empirical Assessment of the Stages of D.P. Growth,” MIS Quarterly, June 1983, pp. 59-70.

Drury, D.H., Management Forecasts of Earnings: Issues and Practices, Society of Management Accountants, Hamilton, 1982.

Drury, D.H., “Conditions Affecting Chargeback Effectiveness,” Information and Management, March 1982, pp. 31-36.

Drury, D.H., Education in Financial Management: Indonesia, Canadian International Development Agency, Ottawa, 1981, Report #80-248/C451.

Drury, D.H., “Mix Variances: A Programming Approach,” Management Decision, Vol. 19, Number 1, 1981, pp. 62-72.

Drury, D.H., Management Forecasts in Perspective, Society of Management Accountants of Canada, Hamilton, 1981.

Drury, D.H., “Continuing Professional Education for Accountants: A Survey of Activities,” Cost and Management, January-February 1980, pp. 8-11.

Drury, D.H., “A Survey of Data Processing Chargeback Practices,” INFOR, November 1980, pp. 342-353.

Drury, D.H., A Study of the Controllership Function at Alcan Smelters and Chemicals, Alcan, 1979.

Drury, D.H., “Effects of Accounting Practice Divergence: Canada and the U.S.A.,” Journal of International Business Studies, Fall 1979, pp. 75-87.

Drury, D.H., “Advertising Agency Compensation,” Management Science, July 1979, pp.632-642, with R. Calantone.

Drury, D.H., “What if the Computer Skips a Bit,” Canadian Datasystems, September 1979, pp. 74-78.

Drury, D.H., Management Planning and Control of Information Systems, Society of Management Accountants, Hamilton, 1979 with J.E. Cook.

Drury, D.H., Data Processing Chargeback Systems: Theory and Practice, Society of Management Accountants, Hamilton, 1979 with J.E. Bates.

Drury, D.H. and Dexter, A., “Another Risk We Run by Being in This Business,” Datamation, January 1978, pp. 238-240.

Drury, D.H., “Earnings Per Share: A Canada – United States Comparison,” International Journal of Accounting, Spring 1978, pp. 29-51.

Drury, D.H., “Assessing Information Content,” Review of Business and Economic Research, Spring 1978, pp.71-84.

Drury, D.H., “Accounting Risk Associations of Internationally Interlisted Firms,” Management International Review, February 1977, pp. 53-64.

Drury, D.H., “Perspectives on Probabilistic Budgeting: A Practical Approach,” Proceedings of Conference, Clarkson Gordon Foundation, York University, May 1977.

Drury, D.H. and Falk, H., “A Practical model for Installment Sales,” CA Magazine, February 1977, pp. 24-27.

Drury, D.H., An Examination of Differences in Financial Reporting Between Canada and the United States: An Empirical Analysis, Ph.D. Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1976.

Drury, D.H., Managing and Accounting for Information Systems, Society of Industrial Accountants, 1971 with J.E. Cook.

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 

Price-Waterhouse Scholarship, Yates Scholarship, Dean’s Honour List (1967-1969)

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