

Prof Han awarded FRQSC New Academics Grant

Congratulations to Elizabeth Han, Assistant Professor in Information Systems, who has been awarded the 2023-2024 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale)

Published: 5 May 2023

Delve: Why Friendly AI Chatbots Don’t Always Deliver Five-Star Customer Service, with Elizabeth Han

Logically everyone knows that software doesn’t have feelings, but AI chatbots that express emotion—as well as other advanced artificial intelligence tools like

Published: 14 Apr 2023

Prof Han's research paper recognized by the Association for Information Systems (AIS)

Congratulations to Elizabeth Han, Assistant Professor in Information Systems, whose research paper with co-authors Dezhi Yin (University of South Florida) and Han Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology) titled “Chatbot Empathy in Customer Service: When It Works and When It Backfires” has been selected 2022 Best Paper Runner-Up by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) - Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction

Published: 6 Jan 2023

Bots with Feelings: Should AI Agents Express Positive Emotion in Customer Service?

Authors: Elizabeth Han, Dezhi Yin and Han Zhang

Publication: Information Systems Research, Forthcoming Published online Articles in Advance: December 2, 2022


Published: 21 Dec 2022
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