Can Cross-Border Funding Frictions Explain Financial Integration Reversals?
Authors: A. Akbari, Francesca Carrieri and A. Malkhozov
Publication: The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 394–437
Uncovering a new form of digitally-enabled agility: an improvisational perspective
Authors: Nadège Levallet and Yolande E. Chan
Publication: European Journal of Information Systems, Forthcoming
Competition and coopetition for two-sided platforms
Authors: Maxime C. Cohen and Renyu Zhang
Publication: Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming
Multiplicity of alliance learning in the entrepreneurial process: strategies of early-stage biotech firms
Authors: Yuanyuan Wu and Paola Perez-Aleman
Publication: Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Forthcoming (view online)
Digital-enabled strategic agility: it’s time we examine the sensing of weak signals
Authors: Alain Pinsonneault and Inmyung Choi
Publication: European Journal of Information Systems, Forthcoming
Is bigger better? How the scale effect influences green purchase intention: The case of washing machine
Authors: Chenxuan Hou and Emine Sarigöllü
Publication: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 65, March 2022, Article 102894
Pricing for Heterogeneous Products: Analytics for Ticket Reselling
Authors: M. Alley, M. Biggs, Rim Hariss, C. Herrmann, M.L. Li, and G. Perakis
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming Articles in Advance, pp. 1-18, February 2022
Far from Void: How Institutions Shape Growth in the Informal Economy
Authors: Robert S. Nason and J. Bothello
Publication: Academy of Management Review, Forthcoming
Professor Emeritus Nancy Adler wins 2021 Emerald Literati Award
Congratulations to Nancy J. Adler, Professor Emeritus of Organizational Behavior, winner of the 2021 Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Author Contribution for “When Arrogance Kills Humility Becomes Our Most Powerful Form of Leadershipâ€
The Impact of Advertising Creative Strategy on Advertising Elasticity
Authors: Filippo Dall'Olio and Demetrios Vakratsas
Publication: Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming, first published online as EXPRESS: January 7, 2022
Augmenting Password Strength Meter Design using the Elaboration Likelihood Model: Evidence from Randomized Experiments
Authors: Warut Khern-am-nuai, M.J. Hashim, Alain Pinsonneault, W. Yang and N. Li
Publication: Information Systems Research, Forthcoming
When the medium massages perceptions: Personal (vs. public) displays of information reduce crowding perceptions and outsider mistreatment of frontline staff
A long wait in a crowded environment can feel like a special kind of purgatory for those waiting their turn, yet front-line workers often bear the brunt of the public’s frustrations. Nurses, restaurant staff, call centre agents and other staff who deal directly with the public in high-stress environments are often mistreated.
What warrants our claims? A methodological evaluation of argument structure
Authors: Mikko Ketokivi and Saku Mantere
Publication: Journal of Operations Management, Volume 67, Issue 6, September 2021, Pages 755 – 776.
Open Theorizing in Management and Organization Studies
Authors: Paolo V. Leone, Saku Mantere and Samer Faraj
Publication: Academy of Management Review, Volume 46, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 725–749.
From un-woven societal relationships to a broad-based movement? Union power in societal networks in Quebec (Canada)
Authors: Lorenzo Frangi, Anthony C. Masi, and Bénédicte Poirier
Publication: Work, Employment and Society, Forthcoming