
Desautels’ event highlights innovative research and recognizes scholars

On Friday, May 13, members of the Desautels Faculty of Management gathered to celebrate the innovative and impactful research conducted by its scholars. 

Fifteen professors were on hand to deliver two-minute presentations of their most interesting and research.

Published: 20 May 2022

Canada’s largest pension plans are driving green development through real estate investments

The skyscrapers of Toronto’s financial district house Canada’s largest banks, and some of its most successful companies. The buildings themselves are largely owned by Canada’s largest pension funds, which have directly developed real estate across major Canadian cities.

Published: 11 May 2022

Supply chain disruptions caused inflation, and the war in Ukraine is making it worse

Inflation is up. Way up. In March 2022, Canada experienced its biggest increase in inflation in more than three decades. The oft-cited monthly inflation figure represents the rate of change in the consumer price index, and many consumers are already feeling the pinch in their pocketbooks.

But why is it happening? Inflation is typically caused by either increased consumer demand in a strong economy, or by supply shortages that drive prices higher.

Published: 4 May 2022

Prof. Sebastien Betermier talks investment strategies with Rational Reminder podcast

Stocks with high expected return appeal to many new investors, but can be exposed to high risks. Investors must consider how these risks can impact their overall financial situation, Prof. Sebastien Betermier tells the Rational Reminder podcast.

Published: 22 Apr 2022

Professor Augustin receives Bank of Canada Governor’s Award

Congratulations to Patrick Augustin, Associate Professor of Finance, who received the Bank of Canada Governor’s Award.

Published: 4 Apr 2022

DGFRC-sponsored finance workshop concludes successfully

The 9th edition of HEC-McGill Winter Finance Workshop as a special edition in collaboration with Goethe University successfully concluded on March 29, 2022. The conference, sponsored by the Desmarais Global Finance Research Centre, took place March 27-29 in Ischgl, Austria, and featured presentations of academic papers in all areas of finance, including interdisciplinary work in law and finance.

Published: 1 Apr 2022

The Russian economy has cratered – but most Canadian investors are unlikely to have much exposure to it

Russia produces about 10 per cent of the world’s oil, but the rest of its economy is more of a lightweight. Before it attacked Ukraine, and had its financial system crippled by severe sanctions, Russia accounted for about three per cent of global GDP. Because Russian stock markets were closed after the invasion, investors have been unable to sell their holdings.

Published: 23 Mar 2022

Can Cross-Border Funding Frictions Explain Financial Integration Reversals?

Authors: A. Akbari, Francesca Carrieri and A. Malkhozov

Publication: The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 394–437


Published: 23 Mar 2022

The potential long-term impact of unprecedented economic sanctions on Russia

While the use of economic sanctions for political means is no new strategy, the magnitude of the sanctions imposed on Russia in the wake of Putin’s invasion of neighbouring Ukraine is unprecedented, says Professor Sebastien Betermier in an interview with CTV Montreal.

Published: 17 Mar 2022

The truth behind divestment at public and private firms

The transition to a clean energy economy is only beginning, but its reverberations are already being felt in global markets.

Published: 17 Mar 2022

Three tips for going green

On a recent segment of CTV News Montreal, Professor Sebastien Betermier shared three key takeaways from the 5th annual McGill International Portfolio Competition, an event designed to help guide corporate and political leaders toward a greener economy. First, managers should create clear milestones, he says. Second, they must integrate change across industries.

Published: 24 Feb 2022

Keeping cryptocurrency alive

Wealthsimple, a Toronto-based financial services company, recently announced plans to push for digital currencies to be used in day-to-day transactions beyond trading. Professor Katrin Tinn says the recent downturn in cryptocurrency use emphasizes the need for stakeholders to innovate cryptocurrency for real-world applications.

Published: 4 Feb 2022

How is Liquidity Priced in Global Markets?

Investors pay a premium for liquidity, but exactly how much do they pay and how does that vary? Desautels Professor Vihang Errunza investigates that question with a new international asset pricing model.

Published: 27 Jan 2022

Professor Augustin appointed Associate Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance

Congratulations to Patrick Augustin, Associate Professor of Finance, for his appointment as Associate Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance.

Published: 27 Jan 2022

Plans for Canadian digital currency remain on hold

With digital currencies like Bitcoin gaining traction in the e-commerce space, banks are considering the challenge of integrating digital and paper currencies while protecting user privacy. Although the Bank of Canada has no immediate plans to implement a government-backed digital currency, Professor Katrin Tinn wouldn't rule out a shift to cryptocurrency in the future.

Published: 21 Jan 2022


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