

Information aggregation to form earnings expectations: Evidence from CEO networks and management forecast accuracy

Authors: Sam (Sunghan) Lee, Steven R. Matsunaga, Peter (Seung Hwan) Oh, Hyun A. Hong

Published: 29 Apr 2024

Climatic Disasters and Distracted Analysts

Authors: Yuqi Han, Connie X. Mao, Hongping Tan and Chi Zhang

Published: 19 Mar 2024

Delve: Why Accounting Holds the Key to Successful Sustainability Initiatives, with Brian Wenzel

What does accounting have to do with sustainability? Essentially, everything. Just as research and regulations around sustainability have expanded in recent years, so has sustainability accounting, focusing on activities of an organization that have a direct impact on its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects.

Published: 5 Jun 2023

Prof Roh awarded FRQSC New Academics Grant

Congratulations to Yongoh Roh, Assistant Professor in Accounting, who has been awarded the 2023-2024 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale)

“Concurrence sur le marché du travail et politique de divulgation de renseignements par les sociétés” (“Labor Market Competition and Corporate Disclosure Policy”)

Published: 5 May 2023

Professor Oh awarded SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Congratulations to Seung Hwan (Peter) Oh, Assistant Professor in Accounting, awarded a 2022-2023 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

“Incentive System Design When Earnings Congruence is Low”

Published: 14 Apr 2023

Professor Tan and Guang Ma awarded SSHRC Insight Grant

Congratulations to Hongping Tan, Associate Professor in Accounting and Guang Ma, former McGill Desautels Assistant Professor in Accounting who were awarded a 2022 SSHRC Insight Grant.

“Private Interaction with Management: Evidence from Textual Analysis of Analyst Reports”

Published: 13 Oct 2022

Professor Oh awarded 2022-2023 FRQSC New Academics Grant

Congratulations to Seung Hwan (Peter) Oh, Assistant Professor in Accounting, who has been awarded the 2022-2023 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale) for his project titled “How Do You Want to Evaluate Your CEO? The Role of Subjective Evaluation when Objective Indicators Malfunction” (“Comment souhaitez-vous évaluer votre chef de la direction?

Published: 26 Aug 2022

Delve podcast: New Normal: Can Global Financial Transparency Deter Corporate Tax Avoidance? with Preetika Joshi

While tax policies are complicated and often seem unfair, new global solutions can both simplify how corporations pay their taxes and make payment more equitable for countries owed their share of tax revenue.

Published: 23 Jun 2022

Desautels’ event highlights innovative research and recognizes scholars

On Friday, May 13, members of the Desautels Faculty of Management gathered to celebrate the innovative and impactful research conducted by its scholars. 

Fifteen professors were on hand to deliver two-minute presentations of their most interesting and research.

Published: 20 May 2022

Institutional Trading around Corporate News: Evidence from Textual Analysis

Authors: A.G. Huang, Hongping Tan, and R. Wermers Publication: The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 10, October 2020, Pages 4627-4675. Abstract:

Published: 15 Jun 2021

The Effects of Analyst-Country Institutions on Biased Research: Evidence from Target Prices

Authors: M.T. Bradshaw, A.G. Huang, and Hongping Tan Publication: Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 57, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 85-120.

Published: 15 Jun 2021

Does Private Country-by-Country Reporting Deter Tax Avoidance and Income Shifting? Evidence from BEPS Action Item 13

Author: Preetika Joshi Publication: Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 58, Issue 2, May 2020, Pages 333-381. Abstract:

Published: 15 Jun 2021

Professor Joshi awarded 2021 FRQSC New Academics Grant

Congratulations to Preetika Joshi, Assistant Professor in Accounting, who has been awarded the 2021 FRQSC New Academics Grant (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale) for her project titled “Does Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Improve the Tax Enforcement Function?” (L’intelligence artificielle et l’apprentissage automatique améliorent-ils la fonction de mise en recouvrem

Published: 5 May 2021

Operating Lease as Alternative Financing for REITs: a Viable Strategy or a Sign of Trouble?

Authors: E. Devos, E. Devos, H. Li and Desmond Tsang

Publication: The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Forthcoming


Published: 16 Apr 2021

Prof Tsang's paper wins award at 2021 Academy of Finance Conference

Congratulations to Desmond Tsang, Associate Professor in Accounting, whose paper won Best-in-Track Award for Real Estate at the 2021 Academy of Finance Conference

Published: 1 Apr 2021


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