Why Canada was shut out of Asia’s new power forum

Published: 25 September 2012

Last week, a Globe article outlined the challenges that Canada faces in establishing itself as a trading power in the Asian region....

Fixing the other health care issue

Published: 25 September 2012

Despite high per-capita spending, health care in Canada consistently underperforms, according to the Commonwealth Fund, which tracks indicators for accessibility, timeliness and outcomes across a...

Doing business in Mexico: What Canadian firms need to know

Published: 24 September 2012

Last week (Sept. 16), Mexico celebrated its 202nd anniversary of independence. In the scheme of anniversaries, this year was not of particular importance. As it pertains to Mexico’s budding...

Redéfinir son travail dans une entreprise dématérialisée

Published: 24 September 2012

Flexibilité, autonomie, mais aussi disponibilité et rentabilité sont les maîtres mots du bureau 2.0. Le bureau de la chercheuse Emmanuelle Vaast, au cinquième étage de la faculté de gestion...

Talking about the freedom to study what we want to study

Published: 24 September 2012

Nathalie Cooke, Associate Provost (Academic Staff and Priority Initiatives), has worked with a committee of McGill faculty members and student representatives to organize McGill’s Academic Freedom...

Breaking the Taboo and Male Dominance

Published: 21 September 2012

There will always be women who are not aware of the opportunities available to them. This may be attributed to several factors - they are not actively looking for a new position or, due to their...

Remembering Professor and Former Dean of Management Laurent Picard

Published: 4 September 2012

Professor Laurent Picard, Former Dean of the Desautels Faculty of Management, passed away on August  29, 2012 at the age of 84, leaving behind an amazing legacy. He will be remembered by many...


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