DISE Talks! Call for Proposals
We are now accepting proposals for DISE Talks! - a new forum for members of the DISE community, both students and faculty, to come together and share their work on research and/or pedagogy. In DISE we are fortunate to have a group of students and faculty who use a wide range of research and pedagogical approaches and methodologies. DISE Talks! celebrates this diversity and aims to provide a forum for members of the DISE community to share and learn from one another. Some aims of the forum are:
- to promote a culture of exchange within DISE
- to enable presenters to discuss the challenges of their works-in-progress
- to foster a culture of constructive and critical feedback
- to foster a spirit of collaboration among DISE course instructors
- to provide a forum for students (and faculty) to practice their presentation skills
Beginning in the Fall 2011 semester, DISE Talks!
will take place on Thursday of every second week. There will be two
alternating time slots, 12pm -1pm or 4pm- 5pm. In each session, the
presenter(s) will offer a 20-30 minute talk followed by a
discussion with the audience. Some of the possible presentation
topics include preliminary results of a study, a literature review,
a dry-run for an upcoming conference presentation, a thesis or
dissertation proposal, a grant proposal, or course development
plans (for course instructors), to name a few.
If you are interested in presenting at DISE Talks!
please send a one-page summary of your proposed talk to
talks.dise [at] mcgill.ca by August 1,
2011. Your summary should include the following
- Name(s) of presenter(s) and the title of the talk
- A brief description of the content of your talk
- The aspects of your work on which you are most interested in receiving feedback (e.g. presentation skills, theoretical framework, literature, methodology)
- Your top 3 preferred time slots from the following schedule:
September 29th, 12-1 pm
October 13th, 4-5 pm
October 27th, 12-1 pm
November 10, 4-5 pm
November 24, 12-1 pm
December 8, 4-5 pm
- Any special equipment required for your presentation
We will respond to and provide feedback on all submissions.
Presenters will be notified of their acceptance by the end of
August. The presentation schedule will be posted at the beginning
of the Fall 2011 semester.
We’re looking forward to the first round of DISE
Talks! and hope to see you there!