McGill Security Lost Report Form

Use this form to report a lost item on the McGill Campus.

Note that for hygienic reasons we do not accept or process clothes, water bottles, mugs, dishes or food containers of any kind.

Please be advised when filling out a loss report, you will only be contacted in the event that we find your item.
Make sure to include as many details in your report as possible to increase your chance of matching the item we have in our inventory to your lost item.

*** If you are a student reporting a lost McGill ID, alert the Service Point and so they can disable the services that would otherwise get charged to you.

Owner Information
Full name as it appears on your McGill ID card.
Number you can be reached
Information on Loss
If Yes, Read the note at the top of the form regarding who to notify in the event of a lost or stolen Student McGill Card
Description of item(s) lost
Description of itemModel/Brand
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