Group Theme 1: The “Corporate Purpose” Contestation: Wake-up call or Business-as-Usual? From CSR to the rise of ESG, EDI, CRT and the Purpose Economy.
Introductory Readings:
Peer Zumbansen, The Corporation in an Age of Divisiveness, .
Lenore Palladino, The Contribution of Shareholder Primacy to the Racial Wealth Gap, Roosevelt Institute Working Paper (5 February 2020),
Harvard Law School, Center on the Legal Profession, Law Firms in the ESG Game. ESG practices pervade the legal industry (January/February 2023), .
Concepcíon Galdón et al, Business Schools Must Do More to Address the Climate Crisis, . (Feb ‘22).
Kristina Minnick, Gender Pay Gap Across Cultures, H.L.S. Forum for Corporate Governance (18 August 2022), .
Iseoluwa Akintunde/Richard Janda, (David Suzuki Found., 2023)
Lisa M. Fairfax, Empowering Diversity Ambition: Brummer and Strine’s Duty and Diversity Makes the Legal and Business Case for Doing More, Doing Good, and Doing Well, .
Group Theme 2: Implementing Sustainable Finance in the Business Corporation and in Institutional Investment: Conceptual Approaches, Practical Solutions for Corporations, Banks, Institutional Investors and Asset Managers
Introductory Readings:
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, , 24 March 2020.
Jason Halper, , 28 Feb. 2022.
UNEP, , 7 December 2022.
Benjamin Braun, , 31 New Labor Forum 70-79 (2022)
Lenore Palladino, , 25 Competition and Change, 382-400 (2021).
Simon Deakin, The Corporation as a Commons: Rethinking Property Rights, Governance and Sustainability in the Business Enterprise, .
Group Theme 3: Climate Change Changes Everything: Law, Finance and Sustainability – Public and Private Approaches
Introductory Readings:
Sara Seck, Business, Human Rights, & the Triple Planetary Crisis: Confronting Overconsumption, Paper prepared for UConn Business & Human Rights Workshop, March 10, 2022, + Sara Seck, A relational analysis of enterprise obligations and carbon majors for climate justice, Onati Socio-Legal Series 2020,
Lisa Benjamin, Companies and Climate Change (Cambridge UP, 2021), Ch. 2, 20-45 ().
Owen Pell, The ESG Triangle: How Lithium Mining in Latin America Could Point the Way Toward Long-Term Environmental and Social Value Strategies, in: Sophia Kalantzakos (ed.), , Springer 2023), 179-201
Emily Webster and Laura Mai, , 11 Transnational Legal Theory, 1-15 (2020)
Louise du Toit and Louis J. Kotzé, , 11 Earth System Governance, 1-10 (2022).
Group Theme 4: Managing Global Value Chains in a New Era of Human Rights, Modern Slavery Law and New Imaginaries of Diligence
Introductory Readings:
Elsa Savourey and Stéphane Brabant, , 6 Business and Human Rights, 141-152 (2021).
Stefan Koos, , Advances in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities Research (Atlantis Press) (2022), 111-115.
Frank Bodendorf, Fabian Wonn, Kristin Simon and Jörg Franke, , Business Strategy and the Environment, 1-29 (2022).
Judy Fudge, , 10 London Review of International Law, 3-31 (2022).
Katherine Leann Christ, Roger Leonard Burritt and Muhammad Azizul Islam, Modern slavery and the accounting profession, British Accounting Review (2023),
Group Theme 5: Corporations and Democracy in an Age of Digitization and Artificial Intelligence
Introductory Readings:
Christian Fuchs, The Digital Commons and the Digital Public Sphere: How to Advance Digital Democracy Today, 16 Westminster Pap. Comm. & Cult. 9 (2021).
Paul Nemitz, . The Transatlantic Reflection Group and its manifesto in defence of democracy and the rule of law in the age of “artificial intelligence”, European Law, 1-12 (2021).
Jürgen Habermas, Reflections and Hypotheses on a Further Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere 39 The., Cult. & Soc’y 145 (2022).
Dirk Helbing et al, , Scientific American, 25 February 2017.