Professor Emerita
Joint appointment with the Department of Psychiatry
Ph.D University of Louvain, 1970
corell [at] (Email)
Research Interests
Psychosis and Culture, Asceticism in India, Alternative and Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Services, Transcultural Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Anthropology: a dialogue in tension.
Representative Publications
Journal Articles:
Year | Title |
2004 | CORIN, E.- A la recherche d'une texture dans les recherches interculturelles sur la schizophrenie. L'Evolution Psychiatrique, 69,1. |
1998 | CORIN, E. - Le rapport a l'autre. Psychanalyse et anthropologie. In: S. Harel(Dir.), Resonances, Dialogues avec la psychanalyse. Montreal: Editions Liber :11-58 |
1990 | CORIN, E. - Facts and Meaning in Psychiatry. An Anthropological Approach to the Lifeworld of Schizophrenics. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 14, 2: 153-188 |
Articles / Chapters in Books and Monographs:
Year | Title |
2004 | CORIN, E., THARA, R. et PADMAVATI, R. - Living through a staggering world. The play of signifiers in early psychosis in South India. In : J.D Jenkins et R.J Barrett(Eds), Schizophrenia, culture and subjectivity: the Edge of Experience. New York: Cambridge University Press: 110-145. |
1998 | KIRMAYER,L. et CORIN, E. - Inside Knowledge: Cultural Construction of Insight in Psychosis. In: X.F Amador et A.S Davis(Eds), Insight and Psychosis. New York, Oxford University Press,. p 193-220(2nd revised edition in press) |
1998 | CORIN, E. - Refiguring the person: the dynamics of affects and symbols in an African spirit possession cult. IN : M. Lamberk et A. Strathern(Eds), Bodies and Persons. Comparative Perspectives from Africa and Melanesia. Cambridge(UK), Cambridge Univeristy Press: 80-102. |