So you've built a website, and spent hours upon hours creating the perfect content for your audience. You've put in the hard work, ensuring your website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and...
The revamped and streamlined Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor website makes for better visibility of Principal's Saini's strategic messaging, improves user experience, and ensures...
The May 2023 edition of the Web Services Digest is out. You can read it here.
Drupal 9 preparation, a final farewell to Nivo Slider, and a free virtual pass to #PSEWeb for McGill Staff!
There was a time when anyone who wanted to edit a website needed to know HTML, and a small error in the code could create lopsided layouts and hours of misery for the editor. So, we should all feel...
We're looking forward to getting together with McGill community members this week for our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Best Practices for Websites info session. This much-requested event will...