Happy birthday, Channels Events Search! We’re celebrating with some shiny new updates

Recent updates to Channels Events Search filters make it easier for visitors to filter and browse your events

A full year has passed since the wide release of Channels Events Search and the number of sites using this feature is growing steadily!

Here are a few examples:

What's new in Channels Events Search

We’ve received a lot of great suggestions from site managers and editors about ways to improve Channels Events Search so it works better for both event content creators as well as site visitors. In response to some of the feedback we’ve received, we recently implemented some new updates to Channels Events Search filters:

  • Filters now allow site visitors to filter down to a select few results - for example, visitors searching for masterclasses that are free, will now see results that meet both these criteria, rather than a larger list of all masterclasses and all free classes
  • "Filter by official location" filters are now located above "Filter by tags"
  • Performance improvements have been introduced

Learn more

Looking to learn more about Channels Events Search? Here are some links you might want to visit:

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