19 results in Music (remove filter)
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music composition is the art of creating music. Composers put together everything from melodies to lyrics to create beautiful pieces. The Major in Composition program at McGill will provide you with a solid grounding in the...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you a skilled musician who would like to improve your practical skills? The three-year Licentiate in Music (L. Mus.) program is a performance-intensive program designed for instrumentalists and singers who wish to...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In the B.Mus. Voice program, you will work with world-class vocal pedagogues, repertoire coaches, linguists, theorists, musicologists and experts in related fields. Our teachers will help you uncover your strengths, develop...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Bachelor of Music (Orchestral Instruments) program is designed to train professional musicians at the highest level. You will be encouraged to reach your full potential as a performer through private lessons with renowned...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music, science and technology are increasingly intertwined. From new kinds of instruments and studio equipment, to computer programs and sound generators, technology has changed the music industry and made creating music more...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The goal of the Musical Applications of Technology (MAT) Minor is to teach you about practical and creative applications of technology for music purposes. This program will help prepare students for production-oriented...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The undergraduate music history program will challenge you to think critically about music. Course materials explore topics like the place of music in different cultural contexts, the social condition of musicians, the...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In the Early Music program, you will learn the elements of early music performance practice and to play an early music instrument (Baroque violin, Baroque guitar, Viola, Cello, Viola da Gamba, Flute, Recorder, Oboe, Early...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music theorists focus on developing models and methods for understanding musical languages. How are specific pieces of music put together and how may this be generalized to relate to the way other pieces of music are composed...


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