Dr. Shane Sweet and Jacques Comeau co-presenting at KPE grad seminar
November 18th, 2021, Dr. Shane Sweet and Mr. Jacques Comeau collaboratively presented at the graduate seminar of the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education. They shared their experience in doing community-based research on peer mentorship for people living with spinal cord injuries.
TIE lab had two new publications on Spinal Cord
November 8, 2021, it's so exciting to announce that our lab recently published two papers on Spinal Cord. Both of them came from the study in which our research team collaborated with community partners to interview multiple individuals who have been involved in community-based spinal cord injury (SCI) peer mentorship programs.
Congratulations to Emilie Michalovic on passing her PhD dissertation defense
November 3rd, 2021, TIE lab member Emilie Michalovic successfully completed her PhD dissertation defense. Emilie joined the TIE lab in 2015 and has been an excellent lab member over the past six years. She is Dr. Sweet's first student who completed her PhD degree. Emilie's research focuses on enhancing the social participation and well-being of people living with COPD.
TIE Lab members did excellent presentations at the SCAPPS 2021 online conference
October 20-22, 2021, the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology 2021 Conference was held online by the Nipissing University. TIE lab members, Jordan Herbison and Emilie Michalovic gave excellent oral presentations on their research. Olivia Pastore and Tayah Liska successfully presented their posters. TIE lab alumni, Dr. Meredith Rocchi, also presented her research at the conference.
Congrats to TIE lab student Olivia Pastore on passing the PhD comprehensive exam
September 24th, 2021, TIE lab student Olivia successfully defended her Ph.D. comprehensive exam. She did an excellent job and received lots of praise from her committee members on both the written and oral components.
In the summer, Olivia spent three months writing the answers to the questions in the topics on physical activity trends, self-compassion conceptualization, and RCT alternative methodologies.
Congrats, Olivia!
Congrats to TIE lab postdoc Jordan on publishing on The Conversation
September 7th, 2021, TIE lab post-doctoral fellow Jordan Herbison published an article titled "After the Paralympics: New initiative to get more Canadians involved in power wheelchair sport" on The Conversation.
TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) presented at the ASIA 2021 conference
July 8th, TIE lab PhD student, Zhiyang (George) virtually presented the research project "Identifying important outcomes of SCI peer mentorship using a Delphi consensus approach" at the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) 2021 conference. ASIA is one of the leading Americas organizations in the field of spinal cord injury care, education, and research.
Congrats, George!
Congrats to TIE lab member Meaghan Osborne on receiving Cooke Fellowship in Physical Education
June 10, 2021, TIE lab student Meaghan receives the Cooke Fellowship in Physical Education. This fellowship was established in 2016 by J. Douglas Cooke BSc(PE) 1952 to support outstanding graduate students in the Faculty of Education entering the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education to pursue an MA in Physical and Health Education Pedagogy, Adapted Physical Activity or Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Congrats to TIE lab member Jordan Herbison on receiving McGill Sports Science Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship
June 9th, 2021, TIE lab postdoctoral fellow Jordan Herbison received the McGill Sports Science Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
Congrats to TIE lab alumni Kaila Bonnell's new publication on Orbitexercise.com
March 31, 2021, Kaila Bonnell published an article entitled "Access To Physical Activity Opportunities For People Living With Physical Disabilities" on Orbitexercise.com.
Congratulations to TIE lab student Emilie Michalovic on her new publication
March 29, 2021, Emilie Michalovic, Dr. Shane Sweet, and Dr. Dennis Jensen published their study entitled “Research and Healthcare Priorities of Individuals Living with COPD.” on COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This study describes the research and healthcare priorities of individuals living with COPD.
Congratulations to TIE lab on the new publication on Psychology & Health
March 23, 2021, Dr. Meredith Rocchi (TIE lab alumni), Zhiyang Shi (TIE lab student), and Dr.
Congrats to Kaila Bonnell on her new publication on Disability and Health Journal
March 5, 2021, Kaila Bonnell, Emilie Michalovic, and Dr.
TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) published an article on Orbitexercise website
January 13, 2021, TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) Shi published an article on the Orbitexercise website. Orbitexercise aims to address numerous health topics to encompass different people’s contexts. One of the founders of Orbitexercise, Kaila Bonnell, has worked as an undergraduate student at the TIE lab between 2018 and 2019.
Meaghan Osborne starts her undergraduate honors thesis at the TIE lab
October 1st, 2020, Meaghan Osborne starts doing her undergraduate honor thesis at the TIE lab. Her thesis looks at the theoretical basis of physical activity maintenance. Let's know more about Meaghan and her research: