MUCO 242 Tonal Composition 1B (3 unités)

Offert par : Recherche musicale (Musique)

Vue d'ensemble

Composition : An advanced writing course based upon the stylistic concepts and resources of European music (Classical to late-Romantic styles), designed to develop control of factors such as phrase structure, melodic shape, rhythm, linear continuity, economy of means, and basic contrapuntal procedures. Extensive analysis of characteristic forms.

Trimestres : Hiver 2016

Chargés de cours : Caplin, William Earl (Winter)

  • Prerequisite(s): MUCO 241

  • Restriction(s): Open only to students in Composition.

  • Restriction(s): Students from other programs may be accepted with the permission of the instructor, after submitting samples of previous work.

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