Please join us as some of McGill’s most accomplished women researchers share experiences and advice on advancing a career in academia or academic administration.527 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal,...
Professor Catherine Potvin, a Canada Research Chair in Climate Change Mitigation and Tropical Forests, has convened colleagues from 30 Canadian universities to join her in a collective initiative...
Mathematica, from Wolfram Research, is a powerful computational software used for mathematical modeling and data visualization. McGill IT Services has been providing Mathematica to faculty and...
Congratulations to Professor Victoria Kaspi in the Department of Physics! She has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society for advancing our understanding of the astrophysics of...
Congratulations to Dr. Charles Gale, James McGill Professor in the Department of Physics, for winning a Humboldt Research Award! Valued at 60,000 EUR, this award is granted by Germany's Alexander...
Got an itch for knowledge? The Canal Savoir network will be broadcasting features from several McGill outreach and public lecture series, including the 2014 Lorne Trottier Public Science Symposium:...
McGill is delighted to weclome D. R. Fraser Taylor, who will deliver the 2014 Killam Lecture in the Social Sciences. Dr.3450 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0E5, CA/scienceCategory: Dept. of...
Revolutionary new approaches and technologies that make organ tissues transparent are helping researchers to see clearly into the brain’s circuitry like never before. At the annual Beatty Memorial...