
AMURE update: A most productive bargaining session!

Published: 20 November 2012

McGill Human Resources has asked Research and International Relations to relay updates on the University’s negotiations with AMURE, the union representing research associates and assistants.

Please see the following message and share the information as you deem appropriate. If you have questions, please contact Human Resources at 514-398-4747 or hr.hr [at] mcgill.ca.


A most productive bargaining session!

Open discussions, exchange of proposals and both parties’ desire to work toward a settlement led to agreements in principle on several topics pertaining to research associates and assistants: termination notice, parental and social leaves, educational assistance and tuition waiver, statutory holidays and work accidents provisions.Ěý The text of these agreements will be finalized and reviewed by the parties at the next bargaining session, set for November 21st.

The parties agreed with the conciliator’s proposed list of topics to be covered in the November 21st. Items that are specific to either research associates or research assistants will be addressed after finalizing items common to both groups.



Une séance de négociation des plus productives!

Un dialogue ouvert, des Ă©changes de propositions ainsi que le souhait exprimĂ© par les parties d’en arriver Ă  une entente ont conduit Ă  des ententes de principe Ă  propos de plusieurs Ă©lĂ©mentsĚý concernant les associĂ©s et les assistants de recherche, soient l’avis de cessation d’assignation, les congĂ©s sociaux et parentaux, l’assistance Ă©ducative, l’exemption des frais de scolaritĂ©, les congĂ©s fĂ©riĂ©s et les provisions liĂ©es aux accidents de travail.Ěý Le texte de ces ententes sera finalisĂ© et rĂ©visĂ© par les parties lors de la prochaine sĂ©ance de nĂ©gociation, prĂ©vue pour le 21 novembre.

Les parties ont exprimé leur accord avec la liste des sujets proposés par la conciliatrice pour discussion lors de la rencontre du 21 novembre. Les éléments propres aux associés de recherche et aux assistants de recherche seront négociés après avoir finalisé les clauses communes aux deux groupes.

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