Museum has lost a friend: Ann Van Fossen
Ann Van Fossen, the author of the museum publication: Tea and Fossils: a brief history of the Redpath Museum, died last week. Born in 1933 and educated at Swarthmore College (B.A. in Political Science) and University of Iowa (M.A. in History), Ann started her volunteer work at the Museum in 2008. She had moved to Montreal with her husband Dick Van Fossen, a retired English professor, after living in many communities here and in the United States such as Cambridge, MA; Durham, NC; Mount Vernon, Iowa; Chicago, IL; Pagosa Springs, CO and Middlebury, VT. Everywhere she lived she contributed to community spirit and engagement due to her love of history and appreciation of the wonders of life. Ann will be missed for her inquiring mind and her beautiful smile.
PHOTO: Ann with her dog Kumiko. By Rachael Van Fossen, 2017. ÌýÌý