Tracking time-resolved brain states with functional neuroimaging
Catie Chang, Vanderbilt University
Tuesday December 3, 12-1pm/qlsCategory:Â Academic seminars and lectures
Professors Natalya Gomez (Earth and Planetary Sciences) and Daryl Haggard (Physics) have been awarded 2024 Arthur B. McDonald Fellowships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council...
Now that you have a grasp on how much money you need, this workshop will focus on the "deal". You'll learn what is a venture capital fund, its structure and how they operate, and what VCs look for...
The TechIdea Pitch competition encourages McGill students, working in teams, to propose new technologically-based ideas/solutions that solve real world problems./engineCategory:Â School of...
Career fairs are organized by the Career Planning Service, often in collaboration with faculty associations and student groups./capsCategory:Â Career Planning Service (CaPS)...
This workshop will provide an overview of what technological innovation and entrepreneurship are as well as an overview of the Entrepreneurial Mindset, the Lean Launchpad methodology, the Business...