Special Presentation: Dr. Allan Abbass
Monday, November 4, 2013 13:00to14:30
Amphitheatre, Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry, 4333 Cote St. Catherine Rd, Montreal, QC, CA
We are pleased to present
Dr. Allan Abbass
Professor and Director of Psychiatric Education;
Director, Centre for Emotions and Health,
Dalhousie University, N.S.
The title of the presentation is:
"The Evidence base of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) including its effects in resistant populations with videotape example
Learning Objectives:
1. To describe the evidence base for Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
2. To describe the scope of patients suitable for STPP.
3. To describe advanced techniques in the intensive short-term dynamic therapy model
enabling treatment of highly resistant and complex patient groups.