The CPD invites you to participate in the following workshop "Data Management and Reproducibility Workshop". As reproducibility of social science research is becoming an increasing concern, data...
The The CPD-CIREQ seminar series on Social Statistics and Human Capabilities in collaboration with the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Économie Quantitative (CIREQ) and supported by th...
The Social Statistics and Population Dynamics Seminar, supported by the Dean of Arts Development Fund, present "The impact of Peru’s Women’s Emergency Centers on the frequency of physical, s...
The Social Statistics and Population Dynamics Seminar, supported by the Dean of Arts Development Fund, present "U.S./popcentreCategory: Data Science
Academic talks and conferences
The The CPD-CIREQ seminar series on Social Statistics and Human Capabilities in collaboration with the Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Économie Quantitative (CIREQ) and supported by th...
Professor Zoua Vang’s CIHR-funded longitudinal study with Nunavik Inuit communities was featured in The McGill Reporter as part of International Women’s Day.
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